Player Character in The Shadow Over Creation

Basic Information
Name: Syrine. She has no other.
Concept: Wandering Ex-Slave with a Grudge
Caste: Night
Anima: A maiden bursting forth from chains
Limit Trigger: Being bound, captured, confined, or enslaved
Supernal: Larceny
Caste Abilities: Athletics, Dodge, Larceny, Socialize, Stealth
Favored Abilities: Awareness, Integrity, Performance, Presence, Thrown
Tracking Stuff
Willpower: 5/5
Personal Motes: 13/13
Peripheral Motes: 23/23 (10 attuned)
Health Levels (-0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated): None Damaged
Regular XP: 2/18
Reed in the Wind: -8
Steel Storm Descending: -8 *Might not be purchased yet
Solar XP: 3/9
Strength 2: -4
Athletics 2: -1
Awareness 2: -1
Important Stats
Join Battle: 5 Dice (13 with Blinding Battle Feint)
Guile: 6 Resolve: 4
Evasion: 5 Parry: 3
Soak: 6 Hardness: 0
Unarmed (Bashing, Brawl, Grappling, Natural) 5 dice (+4 for withering), 9 damage
Leaf of Szoreny (Lethal, Thrown (Long), Cutting, Special) 10 dice (+5/+4/+3/+0/-2 for withering), 14 damage, 4 Overwhelming
Knives (Lethal, Melee, Thrown (Short)) 5 dice (+4 for withering)/10 dice (+5/+4/+3/+0/-2 for withering), 9 damage
Needles (Subtle, Poisonable, Thrown (Short)) 10 dice (+5/+4/+3/+0/-2 for withering), 9 damage
Chain shirt (Concealable) 3 soak, 0 hardness, 0 penalty
Other Items:
- A pretty silk fan she stole from someone
- Varying clothes that weren't hers
- Disguise kit
- Lockpicks
- Things random passerby had until a few moments ago

Strength 2 Dexterity 5 Stamina 3
Charisma 2 Manipulation 5 Appearance 4
Intelligence 1 Perception 3 Wits 4
Abilities [Specialties]
Athletics 2
Awareness 2
Dodge 5
Integrity 3
Larceny 5 [Disguise]
Linguistice 1
Performance 3 [Dance]
Presence 5
Resistance 1
Socialize 5 [Guile]
Stealth 5 [Crowds]
Thrown 5
Languages 3: Riverspeak(n), Low Realm, Old Realm, Skytongue.
Artifact 3: A Leaf of Szoreny (3-dot Starmetal, Chalcanth, and Vitriol Skycutter)
- This hard-to-observe skycutter is a jagged, mirror-shined blade with handles of eerily clear leather, that drips a venom which seems to gather and stifle color. Barely perceptible on the flat of the blades, except in guttering twilight, the harsh light of Ligier, or certain alchemical preparations, sutras are engraved from the Broken-Winged Crane. Until recently, it was a sacred (and useless) relic to a hidden cult of Ca'ar-Iqqesh, The Harvest of Twisted Seed, a second-circle soul of Szoreny. A slave to one of the Patrician mistresses of the cult (technically slave to a Dragon-blooded Dynast and rented, this being the Realm) used guild and well-placed whispers to ensure that Immaculate attention fell on the cult, and absconded with the Leaf.
- Uses Spring Razor's evocations and stats other than being a Skycutter instead of a Daiklave. A Solar or Dragon-Blooded who attunes to A Leaf of Szoreny gains Howling Lotus Strike at no cost. The Leaf of Szoreny boasts two hearthstone sockets hidden by illusion among its mirrored facets.
- Evocations
- >Howling Lotus Strike (Spring Razor 620)
Artifact 3: Belt of Shadow Walking (page 602)
- All stealth rolls at +3
- 10m to turn into living shadow for 1 scene
- Pass through tiny cracks
- Diff 2 to notice in direct light, otherwise invisible
- Standard immaterial advantages and disadvantages while in shadow form
- Can transform worn/carried items but not other beings
Familiar 1: Piq the albino mink
Contacts 3: Immaculate Order - monks, missionaries, etc
Solar Charms (Ability and page)
Graceful Crane Stance (Athletics 260)
Reed in the Wind (Dodge 299)
Drifting Lead Elusion (Dodge 300)
Shadow Over Water (Dodge 300)
Seasoned Criminal Method (Larceny 315)
Flawless Pickpocketing Technique (Larceny 316)
Flawlessly Impenetrable Disguise (Larceny 317)
Perfect Mirror (Larceny 319)
Reversal of Fortune (Larceny 320)
Flashing Ruse Prana (Larceny 321)
Harmonious Presence Meditation (Presence 369)
Ox-Body Technique (Resistance 375)
Motive-Discerning Technique (Socialize 393)
Perfect Shadow Stillness (Stealth 403)
Blinding Battle Feint (Stealth 404)
Precision of the Striking Raptor (Thrown 415)
Steel Storm Descending (Thrown 415) *Might not be purchased yet
Intimacy | Intensity | Details |
Demon-Worshippers | Defining Negative Tie | She has a very proximare grudge |
Break Cruel Chains | Defining Principle | Being a slave to awful masters colors her opinions of the institution. While she's not going out of her way to free every slave, one that requests her aid is likely to get it |
The powerful should be wary - of me | Major Principle | She doesn't have a problem with authority per se, just authority figures doing things she doesn't like, and she's likely to take an opportunity to 'keep them honest' |
Immaculate Order | Major Tie | They destroyed the cult she used to be a slave of, after all |
Anathema are awful demon-things | Minor Negative principle | More than a bit congitively dissonant - she needs to deal with this |
Demons | Minor Negative Tie | She has a bit of a grudge, but it wasn't demons that held her in thrall |
The Guild | Minor Negative Tie | They trained and sold her, but a lot of her early life was kind of a blur so she's not sure |
Order is good | Minor Principle | Obviously, she's a lawbreaker of many kinds, but she appreciates that society needs to function and there are lines not to cross |
What I want, I take | Minor Principle | Now that she has power, she has the power to take the things she wants, even if they're not really hers |
Wheat | Minor Tie | She appreciates being able to eat and stuff on their journey |
108 | Minor Tie | Oooooh, pretty |
Circlemates | Minor Ties | TBD |
Syrine was a slave in the Blessed Isle, whose mistress was involved with a Yozi cult. She Exalted by secretly spreading enough whispers around that the Immaculate Order took notice of the cult, but not her, and she slipped away with the cult's most sacred artifact