Custom Items
Commissioning a Magic Item[edit]
Karag has heard of carved animal figurines that are endowed with great puissance. The possessor of such an item is able to transform the figuring into an actual animal of the same type to do the owner's bidding (Figurines of Wondrous Power, OSRIC p.352). He commissions a magic-user to create a pair of opaline boars using the two tusks. The total price to commission the tusk is a base price 20,000 gp to create (taking 160 days, or 6 months, or 42,000 gp) plus 42,000 gp for a total of 62,000 gp. Each tusk reduces the base price by 10%, from 20,000 gp to 18,000 gp, and also counts as a precious material, adding +1 to the magic resource throw.
If successful, the magic-user will create two carved ivory boars. Once per day they can turn into real boars for a period of one hour. If slain in combat they are unusable for a period of one week. In addition, if Karag is the owner the boar gains the following properties, as he slew the giant boar in single combat:
- The boar may be summoned for a length of time equal to two hours, instead of one, per day.
- The boar is semi-intelligent and able to communicate with Karag via a system of grunts and squeals.
- The boar does not make morale checks.
Magic Items[edit]
Mirror of Scrying
These mirrors were once common in ancient Betor, used primarily at their numerous outposts for maintaining peace and order. Once per day the possessor of one of these mirrors can look into it and view an area equal to one hex surrounding the owner, for a period of ten minutes and from an apparent height of 1 mile. During this time they may choose one location (one child hex) to zoom in on and view it from an apparent height of 200 ft. In addition, a magic-user may expend a spell to use the mirror as a two way communication device, similar to the mirror. Both parties must be mages, or have a mage activate it, and in order to use it thusly they must both expend spell slots from their repertoire. Each level of spell expended grants ten minutes of communication with one individual, and cannot be used to "switch" calls.
This mirror is keyed to Wolf Keep.
Abstract Effect: The mirror allows an individual to control one more 6-mile hex than her stronghold size would otherwise allow, due to the ability to literally see what is transpiring in her realm. The mirror must be used daily, for a period of at least thirty days, before this is accomplished, and if it were to break, be rendered inactive or simply not used the additional hex will slip out of the owner's control.
Masterwork Items[edit]
- Masterwork weapons gain one of the following qualities for a base cost of 500 gp: +1 to hit, +1 to damage, +20/40/80' (ranged weapons only), +2 to Saves (such as from Sundering or other applicable effects). Qualities can be stacked, but not in a linear cost. Each additional quality adds 250 gp to the cost. Therefore, a masterwork sword with a +1 to hit and +1 to damage would cost 1250 gp, as opposed to 1000.
- Masterwork armor can be purchased with the following qualities, each at a cost of 750 gp: +1 to AC (note that this quality adds to the encumbrance of the suit), -1 to encumbrance (minimum 1 stone), +3 to Saves. As with masterwork weapons, qualities can be stacked, with an additional 500 gp added to the cost per quality. Therefore, a suit of plate that has a +1 to AC and a -1 to encumbrance would cost 2000 gp, and would be as encumbering as a normal suit of plate.
- Existing masterwork items that the adventurers use for at least one level can be imbued with magical energy. The process gains the following benefits:
- Provided it has been used during a full level (i.e. the adventurer goes from 4th to 5th while wearing the same suit of masterwork armor) the item counts as being one unit (10,000) gp of precious materials for the purpose of the magic research throw. Every additional level wielded counts as an additional "unit".
- For every great deed the adventurer has performed using the item (surviving an attack which would kill a lesser mortal, slaying a great beast singlehandidly -- such as Karag did) it gains one more "unit" of precious metals.
- For every bonus the item has reduce the base cost of the magic item by 1% (so, if a masterwork sword was +1 to hit *and* damage the base cost would be reduced by 2%).
- Any magical bonuses automatically supplant bonuses granted by the masterwork quality.
Fire Arrows[edit]
Made by twisting rags around a normal arrow and soaking it in military oil, fire arrows must be lit before firing. Due to the added bulk the arrow is fired at -2 to hit and has its range decreased by 1 increment (arbalest --> long bow --> crossbow --> shortbow --> sling). If the attack is the exact same as needed to hit the target's AC the arrow extinguishes in flight. Upon hitting, an unlit fire arrow inflicts 1d4 hp, while a lit fire arrow inflicts 1d4 damage plus 1d4 fire damage. To make life easier for myself and to eliminate making a bunch of saving throws, I'm going to say that if the physical damage and the fire damage are the *same* the oil burns for another round, inflicting another 1d4 points of fire damage. For instance, if a fire arrow hits a troll and the 2d4 result is 3, 3 the arrow would do 6 damage, half of which is fire damage, and continue to burn for one more round, inflicting an addition 1d4 damage.
One flask of military oil can make five fire arrows.
Alchemical Items[edit]
Crocodile Tears
The substance alchemists refer to as "crocodile tears" is incredibly rare and has virtually disappeared since the reign of the crocodile kings. It may be worth upwards of 750 gold an ounce. It has the following base properties, although there may be more obscure uses since lost to history:
- Using one ounce while treating a dying person adds an automatic +15 to the roll and restores 1d4 hp as if magical healing had been applied within a round of suffering the injury.
- Two ounces of crocodiles' tears will reduce the adventurers current age by 2d4 years, potentially restoring any attribute loss due to aging. However, there is a percent chance equal to the number of total years (from overall usage, not single doses) that a calamity is suffered. At the same time it will also restore a single negative level loss due to energy drain from undead.
- Using two ounces adds +1 to the magical research throw.
- Applying three ounces to a wound within one round of suffering the injury will remove any poisons or diseases (magical or otherwise) the adventurer has been subjected to.
Bluestem tea, if drunk, either acts as the Delay Disease spell or if used in conjunction with the spell (Player's Guide) will treble the duration of the spell to 72 hours. A target only benefits once in their lifetime from such a tea. The cerves have two doses of this, with each dose having an equivalent trade value of 20 gold.
Those inhaling the smoke of the koriko grass must make a Save v. Poison. Those failing become violently ill for 1d6 hours, unable to take any actions. Those who succeed are still unable to move faster than a slow walk or make any physical attacks for one hour. For those who are not incapacitated by the smoke there is a 1-4 in 6 chance that the following spells gain these benefits:
- Augury. Chance of success increased by 3%, can see into the future ten turns instead of the normal 3.
- Commune. May ask one additional question.
- Divination. Chance of success increased by 4%.
- Trance. Range doubles to 240'.
This alchemically treat dust will, if thrown into an existing fire of bonfire size of smaller, cause it to flare briefly to 150% its normal diameter and thrice its height, sending multicolored sparks flying in all directions. Creatures within the radius must make a Save v. Breath or take 1d6 points of damage and if it is done in relative darkness (such as around a campfire at night) all within thirty feet have a 1-3 in 6 chance of being semi-blinded for one minute. Semi-blinded characters can't read and suffer a -2 penalty to any throws requiring vision.
Firesand is sold in doses that cost 10 gp/dose and must be stored in a specially prepared pouch. The pouch counts as one item towards encumbrance. If firesand gets wet, it becomes useless. Firesand can be thrown 10/20/30.