Generic Slightly-Anime Fantasy Craft:Ygrak
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Ygrak, Charismatic Giant (Human stats) Bard and Soldier, fortyish, played by Sam I Am
- Class: Priest 6, XP: 0
- Action dice: Xd4
- Recent changes to sheet:
NB Pease don't alter the format too much; if we alter one, I want to alter all.
- STR 15 (+2) / DEX 13 (+1) / CON 14 (+2)
- INT 8 (-1) / WIS 12 (+1) / CHA 19 (+4)
- Init: +2 (1 Soldier + 1 Dex)
- BAB: +1 / Melee +3 / Ranged +2
- Defence: 12 (10 + 1 Soldier + 1 DEX - 0 Armor DP)
- DR: 2 (Studded Leather Armour)
- Fort: +3 (1 +2 Con) / Ref: +1 (0 +1 Dex) / Will: +3 (2 +1 Wis)
- Vitality Points: 14 (=12+Con) / Wound Points: 14
Common Attacks/Defences/Actions:
- 2H Battle axe +4 To Hit (19-20); 1d10+2; AP2.
- 2H Battle axe Trip attack +7 vs. Oppo.Acrob. (+5 Acrob. +2 axe); opponent sprawled, else Singetorix flatfooted
- Javelin (3), +3 To Hit (19–20); 1d8+2 lethal; 30 ft.×3
- Sling, +3 To Hit (20); 1d4+2 subdual; 60 ft.×6, Load 1
Social, Interests & Religion
- Lifestyle: +5 (Panache 5 [+2 Appearance; Income 50s] / Prudence 0 [15% savings])
- Legend: +1
- Reputation: ??
- Renown. Heroic: 0. Religious: 0. Temporal: 0.
- Language: Sird
- Study: Home region
- 3
- 4
Abilities, Feats & Proficiencies
- SolC: Accurate: When spend 1 action dice on attack, roll two dice (i.e. 2d4 instead of 1d4)
- So1: Fight On: +1 Basic, Melee, Ranged, or Unarmed Combat feat, or 2 additional proficiencies.
- Ba: Well-rounded: +5 ranks in any one skill at chargen
- Ba: Beguiling: When taunt standard character, can change standard result for fixation for rounds =19 (Cha). Dmg interrupts
- Ba: Encouragement: 1/scene Talk to teammate 1 min +1 morale saves
- Ba: Free Hint: 1/session Free hint from GM or bonus action die
- Ba: Practised Impress: If use action die to boost Impress but fails, get it back
- Cha: Charming: May improve Disposition of 1 non-adversary NPC by 5. 1/session.
- Cha: Double Boost: May spend & roll 2 action dice to boost Charisma-based skill checks.
- Cha: Encouragement: May speak to 1 teammate for 1 min. to get them a +1 morale bonus with saving throws until the end of the current scene. 1/scene.
- Lvl 1: Knife Basics: Knives considered always armed. Wicked dance stance.
- Lvl 1: Contempt: +1 free attack per round vs. standard character. Times/combat = AD = 3
- Stance: Wicked dance: +2 dice sneak attack dmg in melée (Note movement restricted to 5ft)
- Proficiencies:???? Start w. 6 Hurled weapons (forte) / Edged weapons (forte) / +2
Skills (ranks/stat/misc)
(4-Int 1 = 3/lvl) Max 4 Total (4x3)=12
Class skills: Athletics, Crafting, Intimidate, Notice, Resolve, Search, Survival, Tactics
- Acrobatics* +5 (4/1Dex/0)
- Athletics +2 (0/2Str/0)
- Bluff +5 (0/5Cha/0)
- Crafting (?) ? (0/-1Int/0)
- Disguise +5 (0/5Cha/0)
- Haggle +2 (0/2Wis/0)
- Impress +5 (0/5Cha/0)
- Intimidate +9 (4/5Cha/0)
- Investigate +1 (0/1Wis/0)
- Medicine -1 (0/-1Int/0)
- Notice +1 (0/1Wis/0)
- Resolve +2 (0/2Con/0)
- Ride +0 (0/0Dex/0)
- Search -1 (0/-1Int/0)
- Sense Motive* +10 (4/1Wis/5origin)
- Tactics -1 (0/-1Int/0)
One asterisk = Origin skills
Loads: Light < 100 lb / Hvy 101-300 lb / Over > 301 lb
Stake 100s
- Battle axe (2H), 1d10 lethal (19–20 AP 2) trip 12lb 30s
- Javelin (3), 1d8 lethal (19–20) 30 ft.×3 3lb 12s
- Sling, 1d4 subdual (20) 60 ft.×6, Load 1, 1lb 1s
- Partial Studded leather DR2 DP–1 ACP–0 12lbs 40s
- Blanket Cold res 4 5lb 4s
- Canteen 1 lb 5s
- Pouch (50 coins) 2s
- Rations 7 uses 5lb 5s
- Coin: 1s