Generic Slightly-Anime Fantasy Craft:Main Page
In a world made of D&D-ripoff and anime fantasy tropes some people go on adventures as directed by the Adventurers Society they belong to. These are their stories.
Player Characters
World Characters
World Information
- Elfmist Forest: The efliest forest in the lowlands of the Mist Coast.
- Village of Durolatin
Campaign Qualities
- Adventure Insurance
- Flexible Magic Items
- Hearty Heroes
- Iron Heroes
- Miracles
- Sorcery
- Force of Personality, Eye for Business (Permanent): Charisma modifier is added to Will instead of Wisdom. Wisdom modifier is added to Lifestyle instead of Charisma.
- Characters start with: Silver (Level x 100) + ((Level x 100) x Prudence); Reputation (Level x 10) + (Legend x Level)
- Handle Item actions you preform during your turn do no prohibit making a 5-ft Step.