Generic Slightly-Anime Fantasy Craft:Main Page
In a world made of D&D-ripoff and anime fantasy tropes some people go on adventures as directed by the Adventurers Society they belong to. These are their stories.
Player Characters
World Characters
- Dakadaka: A young female orc of mixed Northern and Western orc and elf ancestry. The party rescued her from being beaten by "elves" who turned out to be human bandits in disguise.
World Information
- Elfmist Forest: The efliest forest in the lowlands of the Mist Coast. Three generations ago the surrounding humans kingdoms used several assassinations as an excuse to go to war with the elves.
- Village of Duroletin: Orc village in the Elfmist Forest. Founded by Western orc mercenaries brought over by the elves to fight the humans from nearby kingdoms.
- The Golden Way: Seems a religious nut is stirring up trouble in this near-desert region.
Campaign Qualities
- Adventure Insurance
- Flexible Magic Items
- Hearty Heroes
- Iron Heroes
- Miracles
- Sorcery
- Force of Personality, Eye for Business (Permanent): Charisma modifier is added to Will instead of Wisdom. Wisdom modifier is added to Lifestyle instead of Charisma.
- Characters start with: Silver (Level x 100) + ((Level x 100) x Prudence); Reputation (Level x 10) + (Legend x Level)
- Handle Item actions you preform during your turn do no prohibit making a 5-ft Step.