List of 24 Hour RPGs by rating

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This page is a list of all 24-hour RPGs, and the ratings given to them by Evangelos Paliatseas, the most prolific reviewer of 24 Hour RPGs.

These reflect his tastes more than anything else, and are not always indicitave of interest -- for example, vs. Monsters has been made into a print RPG, but got 'only' 20 out of 30. However, you've got to grant that they're well-written and do explain their games well.

According to Evan, 5/30 is an F, 10/30 is a D, 15/30 is a C, 20/30 is a B, and 30/30 is an A. The ratings technically may go from 0 to 36, but neither extreme has yet been reached.

(Note! This listing was added incomplete due to computer errors risking it being lost. I'm still going to finish it. Almafeta 00:31, 12 Jul 2005 (PDT))

The List

Listings are descending by numeric rating, then alphabetic. The listing is numbered so that percentile ranks can be computed, if desired. Links lead to the review; all 24-hour RPGs can be viewed at the 24 hour RPG website.

  1. 27: Once Upon A Time And Long Ago, by Jeffery S. Schecter.
  2. 27: PACE, by Fred Hicks.
  3. 27: Piledrivers and Powerbombs, by Joe Prince.
    • Now a commercial RPG only, at RPGnow.
  4. 26: The Hidden World, by Manu Saxena.
  5. 24: Above The Earth, by Bryant Durrel.
  6. 23: Salome, by Ivan Ewert.
  7. 22: Karbon, by Jason A. Petrasko.
  8. 22: The Monitors, by Sandy Antunes.
  9. 22: Ye Olde West, by James Bore.
  10. 21: Dreamscape, by Simon Washburn.
  11. 21: Price of Power, by Brett M. Bernstein.
  12. 21: Young Gods of Old Egypt, by Frank Sronce.
  13. 20: The Last Days of Atlantis, by John Frazer.
  14. 20: Roguelike, by James D. Hargrove.
  15. 20: vs Monsters, by Phillip Reed.
  16. 19: 1940 - England Invaded, by Simon Washbourne
    • It is not clear if this 'Washbourne' is the same as the prolific 24hRPG creator Simon Washburn, or if it is just coincidence.
  17. 19: Criminal Element, by Michael P. O'Sullivan.
  18. 19: Heavy Metal Magic, by Tim Kirk.
  19. 19: Lost Memories, by Justin Anthony Hamilton.
  20. 18: Myth, by Patrick McCoy Jr.
  21. 18: Pirates Of The Stars, by Carl Gerriets.
  22. 18: Sin/Zen, by Evangelos Hugo Paliatseas.
  23. 18: [ SPAM (Super-Powered Awesome Mutants), by Simon Washburn.
  24. 17: Affairs of State, by Thomas Russel.
  25. 17: Blood Royal, by Gordon Fay.
  26. 17: Scene Stealers, by Thomas Deeny.
  27. 17: Virtues and Vices, by James Sterrett.
  28. 16: Faces, by Kirk Mitchell.
  29. 16: Sunrise, by Jeffery Schecter.
  30. 15: The adventures and Luck of The Municipal Academy of Fine Arts & Friends, by Tim Kirk.
  31. 15: Dream Weaver, by James D. Hargrove.
  32. 15: Grand Guginol, by Stephan Livingstone Shirley.
  33. 15: Mutant Space Cowboys, by John Frazer.
  34. 15: Road Trip, by Troy Fisher.
  35. 15: The Rule of 5 RPG, by Tad Kelson
  36. 14: Bobby is Special, anon.
    • This entry ruined anonymous entries forevermore.
  37. 14: Enchanted Tales, by Tim Bisaillon.
  38. 14: Irradiated Fur, by Shanya Almafeta.
    • Note that rating should be 13, but submission was altered by DTRPG prior to uploading.
  39. 14: Kaffe Insomnia, by Davide Mazzocchi.
  40. 14: Tim Traveller, by Clive Oldfield.
  41. 13: Have-A-Go Heroes, by Simon Washburn
  42. 13: The Operation, by Michael P. O'Sullivan.
  43. 13: Perform!, by JL.
  44. 12: Haiku, by Jared Sorenson.
  45. 11: Deitrius, by Will Wright.
  46. 11: Monster Trainer, by JL.
  47. 11: Objects, by Darryl Park.
  48. 10: A Childish Attempt, by Chris Creel.
  49. 10: Eastern Front, by Jason Kline.
  50. 10: Rob Bot and his Robotic Buds, by Phillip Reed.
  51. 9: Jin-Shiato, by Orion Cooper.
  52. 6: Rings & Rogues, by Craig Daniel.
  53. 6: UGS, by Chris Daniel.


Listings are by date of submission.