Hob, Class VI[edit]
Hob is currently a Class VI (actually, right on the cusp of becoming a Class V market) market of 125 families. It was once a medium sized Class V market (treated as Class IV because of its location on a trade route) with over twice the number of residents. So, quite literally, half the buildings in town are standing vacant.
The Mayor is Cynlas and his counselors are two women and a man, all over sixty, at least: Adelacar, Sephephie and Loccyn.
Hob was once the foremost urban center of a County, several Cycles ago. There was a great trade road that ran east to west, across a bridge that once spanned the Sarn in Hob.
Assets in Hob[edit]
- Rinath the Red-bearded, factor.
- Two story adobe building (hex 24.10). Cost 500 gp, needs another 250 gp labor and 250 in materials.
- 1000 sq. ft, two story dwelling.
- Wooden single story with sidelot (hex 19.15 and 19.16). Costs 275 gp, needs 25 gp in labor and 25 gp in materials.
- 1200 sq. ft. warehouse-style space.
- Brick building (hex 19.09). Costs 250 gp, needs 50 gp in labor and 50 gp in materials.
- 1200 sq. ft. warehouse/factory style space.
- Temple of Manifest