Basa serves The Manifest, the god of settlers and growing civilization. Each cleric seeks to go forth and claim lands to establish a temple, then taking it upon themselves to train the next generation of clerics in the same. Those who do not go forth to explore and tame keep the peace in communities, work as merchants and try to ensure stability against the forces of Chaos.
- Human Cleric 5
- XP: 23924/24000
- 290 (Ruined Keep Pt 1)
- 224 (Ruined Keep Pt 2)
- 71 (Wights)
- 250 (Treasure XP)
- 464 (Trade Goods XP)
- 250 for Salazar's Heraldry
- 1490 (Treasure/Trade XP)
- 72 (Frogmen/Treasure)
- 667 (destroyed scrolls)
- 370 (Domain Defense)
- 3645 (Treasure)
- 617 (gnolls)
- 528 (gnoll treasure)
- 106 Morlock Treasure
- 3333 Treasure and Magic Item Sales
- 1575 Demon Boar Treasure
- 4464 Bag of Holding Sold
- 316 Dry Gulch Takeover
- 2202 Dry Gulch Treasure
- Alignment: L
- HP: 22
- Henchman of Salazar Hamish
- No titles of note
- Age: 21
- Tampering With Mortality Roll: 1 in 6 chance of not recovering spells or HP due to disrupted rest each night.
- STR 9
- INT 11
- WIS 12
- DEX 14 +1
- CON 13 +1
- CHA 12
- Languages
- Common
- General Proficiencies
- Adventuring
- Theology
- Diplomacy
- Class Proficiencies
- Divine Blessing (+2 on Saving Throws)
- Loremastery 15+
- Class Abilities
- Turn Undead (ST ZT G4+ W7+ Wr10+ M13+ S16+ V19+)
- AC 10 (Plate +1 AC 7, Dex +1, Shield +1)
- HP 22
- Movement Rate 90/30/90
- Initiative Modifier +1
- Attacks
- Primary Melee Attack: Mace +1 6+ (1d6 +1)
- Primary Melee Attack: Masterwork Warhammer 7+ (1d6)
- Primary Ranged Attack: Crossbow 7+ (1d6)
- Saves: (+2 bonus to all saves with Divine Blessing, factored in)
- Petrification & Paralysis 9
- Poison & Death 6
- Blast & Breath 12
- Staves & Wands 9
- Spells 11
- 2 1st Level Spells a day
- 2 2nd Level Spell a day
- Gear, Armor, Weapons: Total Encumbrance.
- Plate +1 (AC 7, 5 Stone)
- Shield +1 (10gp, AC+2)
- Mace +1
- Crossbow (30gp)
- 20 bolts (2gp)
- Holy symbol of the Manifest
- Backpack
- Holy Text ('Manifest Destiny')
- Blanket
- Lantern
- Six flasks of oil
- 2 Weeks Rations
- Tinderbox
- Pouch
- 766 gp
- Pouch
- 1000gp
- Pouch
- 788 gp
Light Warhorse (Wander) AC 2, xx HP
- Saddle and tack, military (1 stone)
- Saddlebags (2 stone, 1 item)
- Blanket, wool
- 2 Waterskins
- Masterwork Warhammer (500gp, 1 Stone)
Light Riding Horse (Meadow) AC 2, xx HP
- Saddle and Tack, Riding
- Saddlebags (2 Stone, 1 item)
- Tent
- Chain Mail (40gp, AC4, 4 Stone)
- 3 Waterskins