Radnar Silvertongue
A character in the Daybreak in the Wasteland B/X Campaign.
Radnar Silvertongue
- N Cleric of Crom Level 3
- XP:3247/6000
- 44 ooc #27
- 26 ooc #102
- 11 ooc #156
- 7 ooc #201
- 4 ooc #225
- 15 ooc #324
- 7 ooc #387
- 209 ooc #561
- 886 ooc 567
- 545 **ooc 581
- Backstory: Radnar is a confident young man with a gift for persuasion and an empty purse seeking his fortune.
- STR 11
- INT 9
- WIS 13 +5% experience +1 to saves vs magic
- DEX 14 +1 to hit missiles, -1 AC
- CON 8 -1 HP/die
- CHA 16 +1 reaction max 6 retainers morale 9
- HP: 13
- AC: 1
- Attack:
- Warhammer 1d6
- Sling +1 to hit 1d4
- Encumbrance 720
- Movement: 60/20/20
- Treasure-bearing movement: 60/20/60
- Saves:
- Death Ray or Poison: 11
- Magic Wands: 12
- Paralysation or Petrification: 14
- Dragon Breath: 16
- Rod, Stave, or Spell: 15
Class Abilities
- Spells
- L2 - 1/day Cure Light Wounds
- Turn undead
- Carried
- 9 gp
- 500gp diamond - 1 enc
- Old One's weapon - 50 enc
- Warhammer - 30 enc
- Sling & 30 stones - m enc
- Plate armour - 500 enc
- Shield - 100 enc
- Backpack - m enc
- 2 Waterskin - m enc
- quart wine - m enc
- Tinder box - m enc
- 21 torches - m enc
- 5 flasks oil - m enc
- 2 small sacks - m
- 3 vials holy water - m
- 2 bunches wolfsbane - m
- 3 weeks trail rations - m enc
- 0 week standard rations - m
- 3 weeks standard rations - m
- Holy symbol -m enc