Doug Copeland

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Agent Name: Doug Copeland
Code Name: East
Profession: Oceanographer
Nationality: American
Sex (Age):


Score x5 What Others Notice
Strength 13 65 Swimmer's Build
Constitution 13 65 Swimmer's Lungs
Dexterity 11 55
Intelligence 16 80 Deep Knowledge
Power 11 55
Charisma 8 40 Efficiently Direct

Derived Attributes[edit]

Current Maximum
Hit Points (HP) 13 13
Willpower (WP) 11 11
Sanity (SAN) 44 89
Breaking Point (BP) 33

Incidents of SAN loss without going insane[edit]

Violence O O O adapted
Helplessness O O O adapted


Scripps Institute of Oceanography Peers 8
Mom and Dad 8
McMurdo Station 8

Motivations and Mental Disorders[edit]


Oceanic warden




Total Total Total
Accounting (10%) 10% First Aid (10%) 30% Science (0%) V
Alertness (20%) 20% Forensics (0%) 0% Search (20%) 40%
Anthropology (0%) 20% Heavy Weapons (0%) 0% SIGINT (0%) 0%
Archeology (0%) 0% History (10%) 10% Stealth (10%) 10%
Art (0%): 0% HUMINT (10%) 10% Surgery (0%) 0%
Artillery (0%) 0% Law (0%) 0% Survival (10%) 50%
Athletics (30%) 50% Medicine (0%) 0% Swim (20%) 20%
Bureaucracy (10%) 40% Melee Weapons (30%) 30% Unarmed Combat (40%) 40%
Computer Science (0%) 40% Military Science (Navy) (0%): 20% Unnatural (0%) 10%
Craft (0%) 0% Foreign Languages and Other Skills:
Criminology (10%) 10% Navigate - Ocean (10%) 30% Oceanography 80%
Demolitions (0%) 0% Occult (10%) 30% Biology 50%
Disguise (10%) 10 Persuade (20%) 20% Chemistry 50%
Dodge (30%) 30% Pharmacy (0%) 40%
Drive Auto (20%) 20% Pilot (ship) (0%): 20%
Heavy Machine (ship) (10%) 30% Psychotherapy (10%) 10%
Firearms (20%) 40% Ride (10%) 10%

Physical Injuries and Ailments[edit]

Has First Aid been attempted since your last injury? If yes, only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further

Armor and Equipment[edit]

SCUBA gear(vest, tank, open circuit regulator, weight belt), 8mm fullbody wetsuit(rated for 50-60F), diving fins, diving knife, diving light, 3 dozen chemical light sticks, 4 phosphorous flares, 6 portable CTD(Conductivity, Temperature, Depth) sensors, deep see fishing reel(no rod) spooled with 300 yards 50-lb test line, 2nd spool of same, portable hydrophone, camcorder, waterproof camcorder housing rated for 200ft

Body armor reduces the damage of all attacks except Called Shots and successful Kill Damage.


Skill % Base Range Damage Armor Piercing Lethality Kill Radius Shots
Knife 30% 1D4 3

Personal Details, Work Performance, Special Training and Other Notes[edit]

Red Sun at Morning