Sir Harn, the Red Knight of Tisbury
- Human Fighter 7
- XP: 90,965/130,000
- XP Bonus: 5%
- Lawful
- Age 23 (22 + one year from Potion of Speed)
- PC, three henchman (Brother Hanston, Anbet the Younger, and Jeffed Ka)
- Despite his fancy title, Sir Harn's family is destitute, he has no land to his name, and will inherit nothing when his father dies.
- 14 STR (+1, +3 w/Gauntlets of Ogre Power)
- 16 INT (+2)
- 11 WIS
- 11 DEX
- 14 CON (+1)
- 12 CHA
- Languages
- Common
- Bestial
- Goblin
- General Proficiencies
- Adventuring
- Leadership II (+2 max hench, +2 base morale to any domain I rule)
- Manual of Arms II (can train light infantry & heavy infantry [1 month], light cavalry [3m], and heavy cavalry [6m])
- Riding (Horse)
- Riding (Hippogriff)
- Class Proficiencies
- Battlefield Prowess (Henchmen and mercs get +1 to morale when I personally lead them)
- Command (Henchmen and mercs get +2 to morale)
- Fighting Style, Weapon & Shield (+1 AC when fighting with 1H weapon and shield)
- Weapon Focus-Swords & Daggers (double damage on natural 20)
- AC 13 (9 without shield)
- HP 43
- Movement Rate 90/30/90
- Initiative Modifier 0
- Attacks
- Unmodified Attack Throw 6+
- Primary Melee Attack: Sword 0+, 1d6+9 dmg
- Secondary Melee Attack: Crimson 2+, 1d6+7 dmg
- Mounted Melee Attack: Lance 3+, 1d10+6 dmg (double damage when charging but -1 to initiative)
- Primary Ranged Attack: Longbow 6+, 1d6+3 dmg
- Saves:
- 11 Petrification & Paralysis
- 10 Poison & Death
- 12 Blast & Breath
- 12 Staves & Wands
- 13 Spells
- +1 WIS bonus to saves caused by spells or magic items
Gear, Armor, Weapons: 6 stone, 2 items
- Plate Armor +3 (3 stone)
- Shield +2
- Sword +3 (1 stone)
- Sword +1/+3 v. Faeries (1 stone)
- Boots, leather, high
- Cloak, fur-lined
- Gloves
- Belt, leather
- Dagger (1 item)
- Pouch
- Potion of Healing (1 item)
- Potion of Giant Control (1 item)
- Backpack (5 items)
- Hammer, small
- Iron spikes x12
- Tinder box
- Waterskin
- Crowbar
- Not Carried
- Plate Armor (6 stone)
- Sword, Masterwork Crimson (1 stone)
Medium Warhorse (Cynric)
- Saddle and tack, military (1 stone)
- Lance (spare, strapped to saddle, 1 stone)
- Shield (spare, strapped to saddle, 1 item)
- Saddlebags (2 stone, 1 item)
- Longbow
- Quiver w arrows x20
- Blanket, wool
Magic Items
- Sword +3 (formerly owned by Bad Timos of the Free Folk)
- Crimson, masterwork sword (+1 to hit, +1 damage)
- Tafell, Sword +1/+3 v. Faeries, wielder gains infravision to a 60' range
- Shield +2 (the same color as the Banded Plate)
- Gauntlets of Ogre Power (grants the wearer 18 STR, punches with the gloves do 1d4 dmg, wearer can carry an extra 10 stone.)
- Potion of Healing
- Potion of Giant Control
A shield bearing the crest of a rampant lion before a crescent moon. The shield is beaten from some unknown metal that reflects light like mother-of-pearl and are exquisitely balanced, making it seem as if the bearer has almost no added weight upon his arm. The shield is masterwork and only counts as 2 items instead of a single stone.
Money & Treasure
- 575 gp in storage with Mr. Hand
- Six 100 gp gems (in a small bag hanging around his neck)
- 54 gp
- 8 sp
- Owlbears 42 xp
- Carcass Scavenger 72 xp
- Ogres 109 xp
- River Trolls 128 xp
- River Trolls II 422 xp
- Stirges 19 xp
- Ogres II 119 xp
- Coin from Expedition I 1,829 xp
- Hippogriffs 32 xp
- Chimera 124 xp
- Wizard's Tower 105 xp
- Hobgoblin Warband 95 xp
- Flies, Apes, Gnolls 149 xp
- Coin from Expedition II 3,227 xp
- Meteorite Goblins 210 xp
- Coin from Meteorite and Apes 288 xp
- Coin from partial payment of troll reward 105 xp
- Coin from Meteorite Goblins plus potion and spellbook 546 xp
- Boat project 252 xp
- Hill Giants 132 xp
- Coin from final payment of troll reward 480 xp
- Phase tigers, wild boar 167 xp
- Carnivorous Flies II 25 xp
- Coin from Venture III 1,909 xp
- Cockatrices 110 xp
- Ogre Warband 280 xp
- Ogre Warband II 457 xp
- Rhagodessa 46 xp
- Coin from Venture IV 3,949 xp
- Ogre Warband III 1,155 xp
- Mummies 310 XP
- Capturing oliphant 264 xp
- Coin from Venture V 1,636 xp
- Ogres from Candle 833 xp
- Coin from Venture VI 4,774 xp
- Bandit fight plus Ruined Keep I-III 1,294 xp
- Pevin Blacksmith stash 525 xp
- Trade Goods I 975 xp
- Trade Goods II 3,129 xp
- Batrachians 151 xp
- Necromantic scrolls 1,400 xp
- Vengeance Patrol 732 xp
- Hob Hijinx 4,565 xp
- Return of Vengeance Patrol and Treasure 9,514 xp
- Wolf Keep completion bonus 5,000 xp
- Gnoll Village Treasure 1,088 xp
- Morlock Raid 1,310 xp
- Domain XP 389 xp
- Gold from sale of Ring 6,999 xp
- Demon Boar plus loot 4,482 xp
- Chaos Storm 5,000 xp