Officer Tabatha McConnell
Officer Tabatha McConnell[edit]
Tabby McConnell's got a rags to riches to rags backstory. No young memories of her father and just a mother pining for his return before she passed away on some podunk corner of the frontier. You get a kid who feels abandoned, feels hurt and finds a kind of solidarity with the wrong sort of people...
Thing is, the wrong sort of people are boring! As least they are in the middle of nowhere space...
So Tabby leaves. Stows away - heads to better planets and brighter futures! With no money, no contacts, and something of a desire to find some excitement and make a name for herself. It starts kinda small - petty thefts: you know, just to get by. But it gets bigger. And before you know it, a combination of brazen chutzpah and sheer luck sees one young teen holding enough hard cash to up her game!
So she does. Because, see, there's a reason cat burglars are called cat burglars. And that's because being a bit more like a cat is really helpful! So the ears, the eyes, the tail - all the inside bits that need changing around; it all makes her really good at jumping and sneaking and balancing - seeing in the dark and everything else. Makes her a good crook.
But not a great crook. Because Tabby's not, especially, smart. She's quick on her feet but she's reckless and sometimes impatient. That's what gets you caught, and that's what got her caught. No more intergalactic hi-jinks from behind bars...
Getting arrested though...well...she kinda learnt who her dad was. And why he left her. Turns out he died in the line of duty. Protecting the space around his po-dunk home from pirates and worse. It was a shock - learning that she wasn't abandoned at all. But more than that, I think it was the guilt and shame of doing something so antithetical to the memory of a man she just found out was a bit more than the deadbeat she'd pegged him as that made her want to clean up. she got offered the chance to join is possibly another story. Is Force Recon big on second chances? Do they like people with potential? Does being an escape artist skilled at bypassing all manner of security perhaps have something to do with it!? Find out next time!
Character Sheet[edit]
Refresh: 3
High Concept: Cat burglar in more than name...
Trouble: Paroled to patrol!
Aspect 3: This badge isn’t just a second chance…
Aspect 4: These looks aren’t just for show you know!
Aspect 5: A hotshot heedless to risk!
Good (+3) Sneaky
Fair (+2) Flashy, Quick
Average (+1) Careful, Forceful
Mediocre (+0) Clever
1: [ ]
2: [ ]
3: [ ]
Mild: _________________________
Moderate: _____________________
Severe: _______________________
A master at work - +2 to Carefully overcome (or bypass) security measures – physical or digital!
Feline Reflexes - +2 to Defend Quickly when startlingly fast reaction times, or superior speed would be helpful!
Not-so-closet klepto - spend a fate point to produce an easily pilfered item that Tabatha could have reasonably got her hands on during the story.
Ray Pistol (Star Patrol standard-issue)
Sharp claws, and a sharper tongue!
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