Fetich Souls (lexicon)

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Fetich Souls

Foremost - by definition - among the Seraphim, the Fetich Souls of the Primordials were the crux of Creation, where the effable met the ineffable and the transcendant met the immanent. Their favored formal incarnations formed the basis of comprehensible idols for the masses of beings to adore, and their words held sway before any in the halls of Yu Shan.

It is unfortunate that in the gods' rampage through the heavenly city they destroyed the Library of Agonaz, which chronicled their names and deeds, and that of the identities of the less illustrious among them can only be supposed. The Echryistac Tree is often supposed to have been the Titanomachy-era Fetich of Cytherea, and there happens to be a legend among ghosts of a tree in the "Labyrinth" (another legend of theirs, though likely with some truth to it) that contrary to the rest of its surroundings is an oasis of order, love, and bloom.

One common but false theory is that the death of a Fetich Soul would remake a Primordial into a twisted and evil version of itself. This is false. All of the Primordials faced Fetich Soul deaths at some point in their tetratotheobiographies, and though each was an event of worldwide mourning, new Seraphim could come into being when the Primordial made a pilgrimage to the Wyld. Though their absence would always lessen the world in the time that they were gone, they would return refreshed - some scholars consider this to have not literally occured but merely to have been a mourning or cleansing metaphor; in truth, it is the Primal Act for which all cleansing and mourning is a metaphor. In their current imprisonment, however, the Primordials cannot enact this and the world languors in mourning without cleansing.

- Falling Leaves Professor, University of the Shogun

See also: Echryistac Tree, Library of Agonaz, Seraphim