Twelfthmonth, Fifthyear, Sixteenth Cycle
- 127,314.5 gp Starting Balance (see template above)
- +adventuring revenue A
- +adventuring revenue B
- +sales of mundane goods
- +sales of magical goods
- +377 Wolf Keep settler revenue
- +other revenue
- -590 Junction worker expenses
- -200 Shadow Wolves expenses
- -1014 Merchant Fleet expenses
- -1719 The Candle worker expenses
- -1890 Candle mercenary labor
- -184 Wolf Keep settler expenses + the month previous
- -2318 Wolf Keep worker expenses
- -2040 Wolf Keep mercenary labor
- -6000 scroll of Stone to Flesh
- -3000 scroll of Growth (P'zev)
- -8000 scrolls of Charm Monster and Summon Fantastic Creature (Rabanus)
- -other expense
- 100,736.5 gp Ending Balance