Session 1: the Troubles Begin[edit]
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Important points[edit]
- Vic was the one who decided that Night Hawk would someone in order to explain why he stole the falcon amulet. Hans would never have forced that kind of thing on him.
- Hans decided to make all the crucial backstory events people had been talking about (Thunder coming home, Peregrine's conversion experience, Vic's stealing the amulet) and make them actually happen in play instead of just writing about them. It seemed to work quite well.
Fiction events[edit]
- When we first meet Peregrine, he is working for Dots the I's, a middle-aged Aunt of Ghost of Cougar tribe and a quisling for the Gezag.
- When we first meet Thunder's Rumble, he has just returned, after a long absence, to the territory of the People, after escaping from the Soldaaten he was assigned to far to the North and East.
- When we first meet Night Hawk, he has just finished up a job as a Right Hand, and is feeling good.
- The action took place, at first, at Little Rock Way Station; a tavern/inn type thing primarily carved out of a huge limestone boulder, on the road from Baker's Home to Sun Over Water. Yes, the first session of this fantasy game took place in a tavern; sue me for unoriginality.
- Thunder's Rumble arrived first, and was relaxing, as best an escaped slave soldier can, in one corner of the common room.
- Dots the I's arrived next, with her gorgeous Paris Hilton-esque daughter Status Quo and her alcoholic brother No Nonsense. Peregrine was in tow, and swooped around the common room in falcon form for a while.
- Two members of Grinning Blue Moon tribe showed up; a young woman named Winter of Our Discontent, and a young man, her brother, named Frankly my Dear. They immediately noticed Thunder's Rumble, and started to talk his ear off, annoying him to no end, and prying for his story.
- Night Hawk arrived last, looking for a woman to shack up with to avoid paying for his own bed that night.
- Night Hawk and Thunder's Rumble got into a conversation, as fellow tribesmen; Thunder was frankly dissappointed at Night Hawk's frank womanizing ways.
--Jman5000 07:28, 18 September 2006 (PDT)
- Thunder's Rumble - thinking to himself, was astounded at how decadent the tribes have become in the years that he's been away. Knowing full well about the fertility issues with the People, Thunder was raised with a very strict understanding and ritualized method for 'fixing' these issues. Blatent womanizing... well... that's just wrong!!! :)
- Status Quo came over and began to try to chat up the two Fog Among the Trees tribesmen. Thunder was disgusted, due to the long feud between Ghost of Cougar and Fog Among the Trees, but Night Hawk was frankly helpless (due to his Lecherousness flaw) against the obvious charms of Status Quo, and wandered off with her.
- While all this has been going on, Peregrine has been flying around outside. He is drawn higher and higher, and has a meeting with Sun Feather, a God of Birds, a massive flaming eagle, being ridden by what seemed like an insane old crone of some sort. Sun Feather restored the conditioning the Gezag had performed on Peregrine, making him realize he had been acting contrary to his own nature for a long time. He swore to destroy the Gezag, to which the crone cryptically responded "See, I told you so, Sun Feather!" Sun Feather told Peregrine he could prevent Kestrel, Peregrines twin, from realizing something had happened for a short time, but soon Kestrel would know Peregrine had changed, and come looking for him. The crone's last words to Peregrine were "if you are ever in Overlook, come see me!"
- When Peregrine returned to Little Rock, Dots the I's ordered him to force Night Hawk to...well, to maintain the PG-13 rating, lets skip ahead a bit.
- Night Hawk wanders upstairs with Status Quo, to Thunder's disgust. Dots the I's heads up a bit later, with her brother. Night Hawk is again beset by the Grinning Blue Moons. However, shortly an elderly entertainer named These Three Guys from the Grinning Blue Moon's hated foes, the Did You Hear the One About tribe started to try to entertain the common room. Thunder then spent an enjoyable few hours getting drunk and listening to the two young Moon's ingeniously heckle the old jokester until he was nearly catatonic with rage.
- Night Hawk awaknens in the early morning hours, around 3 AM. The events of the past few hours rewind, and he realizes he has been completely violated; somehow that Ghost and her daughter have controlled his mind. One thing he does know is that the amulet sitting on the desk in the shape of a falcon is her prized possession, and he is stealing it right now.
- Night Hawk sneaks out of Dots the I's chamber, there is a guard posted in the hall. He overhears Dots the I's speaking with Warm Wool Blanket, the Aunt who runs Little Rock, and realizes that Warm Wool Blanket is informing, through Dots the I's, on all the local resistance to the Gezag!
- Night Hawk slips into No Nonsense's room, and steals the comatose drunk's clothing. He then boldly steps out into the hall in disguise, to bluff his way past the guard. The guard is taken in, but tries to follow Night Hawk out of the inn. Thunder notices Night Hawk, but in his own tipsyness doesn't realize that Night Hawk is in disguise. He calls out Night Hawk's name and asks him what he is doing. The guard is briefly distracted, and Night Hawk gives him a brutal kick to the family jewels, knocking him out of commission.
- Night Hawk runs to retrieve his spear and bow, now that his disguise is ruined. He kicks the door into a 2nd guard, and runs out. Thunder's Rumble is able to delay the guards with his commanding presence, and he too runs for it. Peregrine follows, linked to the amulet Night Hawk has stolen.
- The two Fogs run into the forest and flee the area. Night Hawk explains what has happened, but Thunder is not convinced; he thinks Hawk is probably just a thief and a womanizer who can't control himself. Hawk puts on the amulet, and realizes he can now sense the location of the falcon. They realize that the falcon amulet is much more than a valuble keepsake, and people will probably be hunting for it. They continue moving quickly.
- Peregrine reveals himself to them the next day in his humanish form. He explains that he was a servant to Dots the I's, but is glad to have escaped her. He begins to be a scout for the two Fog's. He also confirms most of Hawk's story to Thunder.
- Peregrine soon realizes that a company of Wespvlaggen (Wasp Banners) are hunting them. These light cavalry archer/scouts ride huge Greyhound like dogs, and while they haven't caught the Fogs trail, they are gaining rapidly.
- Thunder and Hawk set an ambush for two of the Wespvlaggen. They draw two of them into a ravine, and quickly dispatch them with arrow and warhammer. Thunder interrogates the survivor. The survivor indicates that the Poemavlaggen (the Gezag secret police) are very interested in the amulet, and want it recovered immediately. They also know that it was stolen by Fog Among the Trees tribesmen. Thunder dispatches the captive, and Thunder and Hawk realize their entire tribe may now be in danger. They race to the Spring Encampment of their tribe.
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