Genevieve :: PR Liason
|| Physical d6 || Mental d8 || Social d10 ||
Trained Skills
Craft [d8]
- Trideo Production [d6]
Fix [d6]
Influence [d10]
Know [d8]
- Languages [d6]
Move [d6]
Notice [d8]
Operate [d8]
Perform [d6]
- Song [d6]
Trick [d10]
- Avoiding Culpability [d6]
Untrained Skills
Drive, Fight, Fly, Focus, Labor, Shoot, Sneak, Survive, Throw, Treat [All d4]
Cortex Technician: [d8] Waves in the black don’t just happen. From world to world, you’ve made sure nobody stops the signal.
- Step Back: Roll d4 instead of d8 for 1 PP
- I'm Working Here: Spend 1 PP at the beginning of a Timed Action involving communications, data, or computer equipment. For each of your rolls during the Timed Action, you may reroll any die that comes up 1 instead of accepting a Plot Point for that die. If a die comes up as a 1 when rerolled, it may not be rerolled a second time.
- In the Loop: You may spend Plot Points for anyone with whom you are in direct contact via a communications network.
[Highlighted Skills: Fix/Know/Operate]
On a Different Level: [d8] People aren’t up to your speed. The conversation you’re actually having is very different from the one they think they’re having.
- Step Back: Roll d4 instead of d8 for 1 PP
- Two Meanings: Gain 1 PP when you withhold information from someone through euphemism and double-talk.
- We Don't Have Time For This: During a Timed Action, you may reroll a die in a failed Trick roll by taking or stepping up an Evidence We Were Here Complication.
[Highlighted Skills: Influence/Know/Trick]
Trained Singer: [d8] Your voice is one of the sweetest things in the ’Verse.
- Step Back: Roll d4 instead of d8 for 1 PP
- Private Audience: When you need to get someone alone, spend 1 PP to force their entourage to wait outside.
- Perfect Pitch: When you fail a Perform roll, spend 1 PP to reroll a die. When you fail a Notice roll, take or step up a Sensitive Ears Complication to reroll a die.
[Highlighted Skills: Craft/Notice/Perform]
Signature Assets
Unredacted Footage [d8] Genevieve is always recording, preferably in full audio and 3-D video, using concealed equipment most of the time and a Fujikon Otomo recording drone she nicknamed 'Peep' whenever she can. This way, she always has the true story available when someone releases scratchy, edited footage to make her and the crew look bad. And plenty of raw material to do the same thing to others.
Scene/Episode Assets
Episode Points [0]
Character Bio
Birth Planet: Place || Allegiance: Side
Height: ? Centemeters (?'?") || Weight: ? Kilos (? lbs) || Age: ? standard years
Incidental Gear
Gear [ - ] Description.