Starfinder Absolom Station
Starfinder is a Science Fantasy game based on the Pathfinder/d20 rules set.
This is the wiki page for 'Absolom Station', a Play-by-Post that will be run on the PbP forum. I'm Waiwode, the GM. We're at barebones right now, but more will be added as things get rolling.
Absolom Station
No one knows who, or when Absolom Station was built. But over the last century it has become a port of call, the first but no longer last refuge of humanity, a home away from home for diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs, and wanderers. Humans and aliens wrapped in two million, five hundred thousand tons of spinning metal, all alone in the night.
Player Characters
Wyatt Hamilton A young Hacker that has seen too many hard times in his life.
Player 2
Player 2
A bright-eyed, enthusiastic, and knowledge-hungry young android technomancer from the Diaspora asteroid belt.
Starjack Claudess
Smooth-talking, flashy stunt pilot from a flying circus.
A Damaya Lashunta Explorer seeking out New Life and New Civilizations.
Player 6
Player 6