Shadows of the Dark Side/Real Alliance

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The Real Alliance to Restore the Republic is composed of those factions of the Rebellion that opposed Leia’s ascension to the Imperial throne. When Leia and Mon Mothma went to Coruscant, they cut ties, then rallied around Garm Bel Iblis when he made his triumphal return to Corellia. It’s an open secret that many formerly Rebel-aligned systems, despite officially accepting Leia Organa’s authority, are strongholds of sympathy for the Real Alliance.



Senator Garm Bel Iblis


Queen Kiré Elthiina of Naboo


King Lux Bonteri of Onderon


Countess Giana Visconi of Serenno


Neema Parantha

Neema is a native of Chandrila who followed Mon Mothma into the Rebellion, but refused to follow her into Imperial service when Leia made her bid for the throne. A middle-aged woman of severe beauty, she worked as a covert operative for the Rebellion, which brought her into contact with Syrine, and continues to condect similar activites for the Real Alliance. She recognized Syrine on Corellia and gave her a recognition code to help ease their way through Naboo customs.