The Covenant of Teach Solais Rinn Dubháin
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Basic Stats
Covenant Name: the Covenant of Teach Solais Rinn Dubháin
Tribunal: Hybernian
Year Founded: 1220; Current Year: 1220
Aura Type: Magic Aura Level: 5
Living Conditions modifier ? (Magi); ? (Mundanes)
Season: Spring
Aegis of the Hearth:
Reputations: None
On a peninsula at the mouth of the rivers Nore, Suir, and Barrow in Leinster, the Lighthouse of St Dubháin's Head stands vigil. The first beacon was built centuries ago by Irish magi drawn by the location's powerful magical aura, but for the last hundred years the site has been a ruin... ever since the mysterious disappearance of its most recent occupants and all of their servants save two.
Rinn Dubháin is a narrow spit of land at the mouth of the three sisters rivers. The flow of the river and the rushing of the wind have created a natural focus of magical energy, making the headlands a source of arcane power (Powerful Aura Boon x2).
But that was before William the Marshal, Earl of Pembroke, began his campaign of Anglicizing Leinster, building castles and towns and walls. The Earl Marshal commanded that a tower be erected on Rinn Dubháin -- which the English call Hook Head. While the tower was completed without undue delay, strange occurrences and hauntings beset the project and whisperings about the old magicians and their grisly ends spread through the local crews. Eventually, Earl Marshal was convinced to send off word to the Hybernian Tribunal seeking aid. It was decided that, while the Earl Marshall needed a lighthouse on Hook's Head, it would be the Magi who manned it (Building Minor Boon).
William the Elder passed away last year, a his son William the Younger is aware of his father's deal with the Magi. To the Second Earl of Pembroke, the Magi are another set of vassals under his employ, though ones he'd rather leave to their own devices for the most part (Beholden Minor Hook). Still, William Marshal has his own worries, ones that might justify leaning on wizards who owe you a debt.
The new lighthouse was built on the ruins of the old, and, though neither the English nor the Magi have found them, there are hidden caches and structures within the bounds of the covenant. Who knows what secrets the Irish magi collected over the centuries, what enchanted objects or lost tomes might still be salvageable, buried beneath the new stone of the tower (Hidden Resources Minor Boon).
The strange happenings and unnatural events that plagued the construction workers did not stop just because the Magi moved in. While the paranormal events mostly leave the Magi unmolested, the covenfolk have reported missing items, strange dreams, and phantasmal visions. The chef says that once his knives flew across the room of their own accord and the cowherd says that the herd gets strangely nervous on dark nights when the clouds hide the moon (Haunted Minor Hook).
What other hidden secrets and ancient troubles and pacts might lay, hidden just below the earth or the passage of time? Only time will tell (Unknown Minor Hook x2).
Hooks and Boons
Boons: Aura (minor) x2, Buildings [The Lighthouse Tower] (minor), Hidden Resources (minor)
Free Choices: Peasants
Hooks: Beholden [Lord Pembroke] (minor), Haunted (minor), Unknown (minor) x2
Land and Buildings

Cow Pasture
22 head of cattle.
Joan's Orchard
100 enchanted apple trees on a one-acre plot. The trees are enchanted by the spell Blessing of the Well-Tended Orchard as of 1220 and have not seen any sign of Warping yet (Warping points 0)
Magic Items and other possessions of note
The covenant owns no magic items, nor any other possessions of great note.
Vis Sources
Throughout the year, the sea's natural energy washes ashore, filling the tide pools with mildly luminous water. This water can be collected and distilled, producing 2 pawns per year of Magical Aquam Vis.
To see details of the library see the Covenant Library.
- Gregory FitzPatrick
- Autocrat. Former footman to Lord Redmond.
- Aed
- Gregory's second-in-command.
Base Loyalty Points (due to the Gift):
Familiarity: 0
Living Conditions Modifier:
Wages Modifier: 0
Equipment Modifier: 0
Current Loyalty Points:
Prevailing Loyalty Score: