Ups and Downs - Echo Journal

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Main Page Character Sheet Scrapbook

Echo's Journal[edit]

Runt of the litter, one more mouth to feed - an urchin’s upbringing in a ramshackle life. Echo is a forthright and fiery 4’9”: named for scurrying where you can’t fit, and can’t see, but can still hear her. Torn down, and picked on, but picked up by her uncle Frayed; a man who could use an extra hand, and an extra pair of ears that could get anywhere. What a rush! Learning how to run and jump and climb, and how not to die in Perch and all the other places low-down, lowlifes liked to scamper.

It was a bit heady, and a bit hedonistic: untempered thanks to a temper twice as big as she was, and a height complex that reached pretty darn high for how little height she had. The justice came later. The judging came later. It was always arms reach, and three steps away while growing up – even as Frayed plied his trade for the good of the community. And it was Echo’s durance that would change that.

Not her life. That continued much the same. Getting where people didn’t want her to get, knowing things people didn’t want her to know, and telling them to people who really wanted to hear. It was the scale of it all: not the injustice and the suffering – those she knew intimately well – but the mechanisms in place to keep all life she knew living just like she’d lived it. Eye opening, to put it mildly. Unfair, to state the obvious. So she started turning her temper, and a lifetime of surviving and thriving to making the places she lived just a small bit better.

And then a woman came to her door in the dead of night and asked if Echo wanted to make all the Spire just a small bit better too. And Echo said yes…