Midnight PRE-GAME Character Background
You can earn 5 BONUS points for the buying your Ability Scores going from a MEAGER 24 points to a HEROIC 29 points! Here are the assignments that award those points. You MAY choose to do parts, each part is award as shown below.
Creating a "3x3" for your Hero = 3 POINTS
A "3x3" is a simple idea I created long ago. It allows YOU (the players) to help co-create our setting by building NPCs that the GM can choose to use in the game. You should create the brief information for the idea that relates to your character allowing the GM to build from that point on.
Please include: the NPC's name, brief description, how they are connected to the PC, where were
they last, any special powers/abilities, any suggestions for personality and if you choose an appropriate picture or image.
- 3 Friends: NPCs connected to your PC, someone who would help you because they care about you. From your father, to a loyal fan, to someone willing to die for you.
- 3 Contacts: NPCs connected to your PC, someone who would help you because you pay or trade favor with them. From the neighborhood bartender, to a police commisioner, to an old friend.
- 3 Enemies: NPCs connected to your PC, someone who dislikes, hates or has a grudge on your character. From a childhood bully, to a someone who thought you cheated them in poker, to someone wanting you dead.
Continuing from there the players need to know that:
A. Once the NPCs are "handed over" they're totally the GM's to develop
B. These NPCs are not permanent in their "category", for example if you do something roleplaying in-game that makes a Contact dislike you then they might fall OUT of the "contact" and become an enemy.
C. These NPCs may or may not show up soon. I go with the note that these NPCs aren't "canon" in-game continuity until I introduce them in campaign. Meaning, I don't want players to say "I'll just go to xxx for help". I'm cool with players asking to go find xxx but not just assuming they'll be there waiting for them.
I have since added two additional note/idea to the 3x3 (essentially making it a 3x5). If you wish you may replace ONE of the above 3x3 entries to include a Location and ONE to include an Organization if you like.
- Locations: Placed created in/for the setting that are connected to the PC, someplace that is special good or bad to your character. From the place your parents were killed, to your childhood home, to a place you watch the sunrise.
- Organizations: A group created for the setting that is connected to the PC, something for which the PC has worked for or against. From a police org, to a secret society, to a big corporate machine.
Ideas for possible Covenant Items = 1 POINT
Create 3 (or more) Covenant Items.
As you know Covenant Items are Midnight's version of D&D magic items. Each Covenant Item is individual and original destined for the hand of a "hero". If you're lucky your hero will find his/her destined Covenant Items. Covenant Items can be any type of traditional D&D magical iteam, the big difference is that they grow with you. So when giving your ideas please note: what the item is, any historical or story ideas, and it's basic power(s) that would interest you. I will then take those concepts and develop them.
Character/Player Questions = 1 POINT
Answer these questions in a short paragraph.
These questions will aid in creating ideas and stories that cater to your hero. It will also help flesh out your hero. You are welcome to create addional background questions. But these short answers are all that's necessary here.
- Describe what your hero's glorious death might be.
- Describe what your hero's worst fated death at the hands of [the ENEMY] might be.
- What is the worst thing [the Shadow] could do to your hero? (this could include things done to loved ones)
- Describe a victory that your hero would like to have against [the Shadow].
- What action would your hero never do? (meaning type of action "like burn a village down", NOT a general idea like "give in to the shadow")
- What would cause your hero to break down to sadness or fear?
- What do you hope your heroe's honorific would be? (An honorific is a word or expression that conveys esteem or respect and is used in addressing or referring to a person. Honorifics are usually placed immediately before or after the name of the subject. e.g. Thok the Orc Masher!)
- What would it take for your hero to turn traitor? (these can result from bribe or blackmail)
- PLAYER: What's your favorite monster or NPCs to fight?!!
- PLAYER: What do you most enjoy about RPGs & D&D? (meaning battling monsters, solving puzzles, political roleplaying, etc..?)
ADDITIONAL PRE-Game Character Creation Assignments
Below are other options for things you can do to build out your character, you can suggest additional ideas if you have them. If you do so you'll earn a CHARM for each new thing you do that your character can begin the game with for doing the extra pre-character creation work... IDEAS TO DO
- find or make an illustration that can represent your hero
- find a miniature that can represent your hero
- paint your miniature