Shadows of the Dark Side/Real Alliance

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The Real Alliance to Restore the Republic is composed of those factions of the Rebellion that opposed Leia’s ascension to the Imperial throne. When Leia and Mon Mothma went to Coruscant, they cut ties, then rallied around Garm Bel Iblis when he made his triumphal return to Corellia. It’s an open secret that many formerly Rebel-aligned systems, despite officially accepting Leia Organa’s authority, are strongholds of sympathy for the Real Alliance.


Peregrine-class Cruiser


Senator Garm Bel Iblis

An early ally to Bail Organa and Mon Mothma in the Alliance to Restore the Republic, the Corellian Senator split from the organization sometime after the destruction of Alderaan, finding Mon Mothma's steady accumulation of executive powers uncomfortably reminiscent of Palpatine's rise.

Leia Organa and Mon Mothma's seizure of the Imperial government has left him with mixed feelings. On the one hand, he thought highly of Bail and his daughter, and the fact that Mon Mothma has taken a subordinate position in the new government suggests that he misjudged her; on the other hand, the fact remains that they chose to take over the Empire rather than continue to dismantle it.

At present, his distrust of the Empire has won out, and Corellia rallied around him when he returned from exile to declare his intent to continue resisting Imperial tyranny.

Queen Kiré Elthiina of Naboo


King Lux Bonteri of Onderon

Lux Bonteri never anticipated being elevated to the throne of his home planet, but after years spent representing Onderon in the Separatist, Republic, and then Imperial Senates, and even fighting to free it from Separatist occupation alongside Saw Gerrerra, when the old king died and his people called on him to serve, he did not refuse the honor.

His relationship with the Empire was complicated: though it was the legitimate successor state of the Republic he'd sworn loyalty to, his ties to the Jedi and his own experience as a rebel gave him sympathy for dissenters. Using his influence as a hero of the anti-Separatist rebellion, he did his best to restrain the Empire's tyranny while serving them as a pro-Imperial rallying point to contrast against Saw Gerrerra's violent extremism.

With the Emperor and Vader dead at Endor, the Empire fracturing, and Bel Iblis's open declaration of defiance, King Lux finally felt confident enough to openly voice his own dissent for the first time in decades.

Countess Giana Visconi of Serenno
