Frank Wright
Frank Wright
Game Mechanics
Frank Wright
- Human Male, 32 years old
- Neutral Good
- Size: Medium (73 inches tall, 195 lbs) Dark hair, hazel eyes
- Speed: 30
- 4th Level Rogue, Mastermind Archetype
- English
- German
- French
- "Drop In" Common
- MilSpeak (Theive's Cant for the modern adventurer)
- Str: 12 +1
- Int: 13 +1
- Wis: 14 +2
- Dex: 16 +3
- Con: 14 +2
- Cha: 14 +2
Hit Points: 40 (Hit Dice: d8 + Con modifier)
Prof Bonus: +2
Sneak Attack: 2d6
Racial Modifiers: (+1 all stats, already done)
- Insight
- Investigation
- Persuasion
- Stealth
- Vehicle (Standard vehicls)
- Longarms
- Sidearms
- Autoweapons
- Distance Shooting
- Expertise (Double proficiency bonus for 2 chosen skills)
- Persuasion
- Stealth
- Sneak Attack (+2d6)
- MilSpeak as Thieve's Cant
- Cunning Action (Extra of Dash, Disengage, or Hide action)
- Roguish Archetype (Mastermind)
- Ability Score Improvement (Increase Dex by 2)
- Prof: Disguise Kit, Forgery Kit, One Gaming Set.
- +2 Languages ("Drop In" Common, French)
- Mimic speech of someone listened to for 1+ minutes.
- Pass as native speaker if I know the language
- Master of Tactics: Use Help action as bonus action.
- Within 30 feet and friend can see or hear him.