All That Glitters Is Red
A game of Vampire the Requiem: Blood & Smoke set in Edinburgh, Scotland
Story Teller: Pandorym
Player Characters (PCs)
- Allan Grey, played by Pheidias
- Elsie Hudson, played by CatNosferatu
- Antoine LaChance, played by Smilingbandit2
Non-Player Characters (NPCs)
Archdruid Fionn MacCool, Prince of Edinburgh and leader of the Hematic Triskelion. Firm, but fair. An albino youth with striking purple eyes. Mekhet.
Esther, a kind woman of late middle age who acts as Fergus' nanny. Elsie's ghoul.
Fergus Hudson, Elsie's mortal son. A tall muscular teenager with slightly pale skin, a compelling dark gaze, and a love for physical activity.
Itward, Chancellor of the Vox Populi, also known as the 'Shadow Man' due to the unsettling pall of darkness that shrouds his features. Nosferatu.
Sagrell, a Knight of the Crimson Court and the Prince's law enforcer. Duels with two blades and highly enjoys a good tale. Elsie's sire. Daeva.
Philosophers of the Sightless Eye
Notable Locations
Edinburgh Castle, seat of the Crimson Court and a neutral Elysium for all Kindred to use for various purposes.
Mary King's Close, located on the Royal Mile in historic Old Town. Headquarters of the Vox Populi. Has a dark reputation for hauntings and murders.
Royal Botanic Gardens, headquarters of the Hematic Triskelion, mainly gathering in the Inverleith House. Located in St. Anne's Yard.
Histories and Legends
Night of Ashes, the horrific event that occurred on December 21, 2017 when the Parliament of Owls attacked and brought Final Death to almost every Kindred in Edinburgh.
Origin of the Blood, the story of the five progenitors of the Kindred clans and how they came to be.