"The Yardie" Quincey Cornell

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The Yardie is the current Prizefighters Champion and carries the gold with the same pride that he has for almost everything else he is and does. He proud of his Jamaican heritage, he is proud of his physique, and he is proud of the promotion that he is at the head of. He cannot envision a version of Prizefighters without him at the helm and will do whatever he has to in order to make sure that he stays there.

To Mickey Church Quincey Cornell is little more than a pawn. He is far from clever, and as such is easily manipulated. Mickey uses him as a blunt object to keep the promotion moving in the direction he wants it to. Quincey is given the illusion of control over the roster, while in reality nothing could be further from the truth.

The Yardie is a big guy, and he knows it. At 6'2, 250lbs, he might not be the tallest man on the roster, but he's strong enough to throw down with them. Quincey wears his hair in hightop dreads, and walks to the ring in a leather jacket over his forest camo wrestling tights. He is rarely seen outside the ring without a pair of mirrored aviator sunglasses. He removes the jacket and shades before his bouts, flexing and taunting from the corner until the bell rings.