Stanles Lear

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Byzantium: Nightmares Undreamed Of

Stanles Lear

Neutral Spellslinger L2 (2000/4000)


Motivation: I can't work a normal job because I'm hated by other members of my profession.


Primary Attributes: Dexterity and Intelligence

Charisma Dexterity Ferocity Health Intelligence Willpower Social Class
10 17 (+2) 11 13 (+1) 16 (+2) 08 (-1) 16 (+2)

I'm a Drunken Patricide

The second son of the Duchess of the Three Winds, Lear was trained as a Spellslinger from a young age. He accidentally slew his father, his mother's favored concubine, in a magical mishap, and was exiled from his school and family.

Just One More Artifact, Then I'll Show the Duchess

Lear seeks the secrets of old hidden in the dark places, as a means of furthering his own personal power.

It Was No Accident, I Was Sober for Once

His father's death was not an accident.


  • Hit Die d6
  • Initiative: +2
  • Speed: 9
  • AC: 13
  • Dispostion: 5/5
  • Psychic Armor: 5/5


  • Rapier attack +0 to hit
  • Wizard Sword attack +4 to hit, damage 2d4+2
  • Pistol Attack - hit on roll of Dexterity or lower, if target is stationary and not in cover, or half Dexterity if it is moving quickly or has cover. Taking time to aim returns the roll to Dexterity or lower, except against targets both moving quickly and behind cover, which cannot be hit. Targets more than 50' away count as being under cover. Natural 20s = firearm fouled or jammed and in need of cleaning.


You can’t fight or cast spells while encumbered, wearing a suit of plate, or using a shield.


Spellslingers are good at travelling and surviving in the wilderness; gambling, stage magic, and minor sleight of hand tricks; and a roguish style of persuasion and showmanship. You may have knowledge of one particular tradition of magic, but you are not so much an academic.

You might also be skilled at some other profession that does not pay you particularly well, such as acting or writing.

Special Abilities

  • In combat, you may cast a spell as a simple action, or instead of moving. Thus, you may attack, dodge, or move and still cast a spell in the same round. You may also cast a spell in the same round you are injured.
  • When you cast a spell you have memorized, whether you retain control or not, you may lose points of Dexterity in order to keep it in your memory, instead of forgetting it. If the spell is your level or lower, lose 1 point of Dexterity. If the spell is higher level than you are, lose 2 points of Dexterity.
  • You have mastery of 2 spells per level, plus additional spells equal to your Intelligence modifier. If the total of your level and modifier is less than 1, you have mastery over no spells.
  • You have Psychic Armour. Roll a number of Hit Dice (d6s) equal to your level and add them together to determine your Psychic Armour score, just as you do for Disposition. You are not required to re-roll this score when you take a rest, but you may, if you like.
  • For each spell you start with, you may either roll on the full table or roll on the specific school table of your choice. When you gain new spells upon advancing a level, you must roll on the full table to determine each of them.


Memorized 4/4

  • Imbuement
  • Flare, L1 Fire spell | Range: 100' per CL | Duration: Instant | Effect: Caster only

This spell projects a tiny ball of light from your hand that explodes in a large burst of bright light when it reaches the end of its range. This flare is visible for miles around. If the flare explodes in someone’s face, they are blinded for 2d6 rounds.

  • Plague of Vermin, L5 Animals/Chaos/Summoning spell | Range: 1 mile per CL | Duration: 1 day | Effect: 1 location

This spell summons a swarm of insects, rats, or other small vermin to plague a settlement or other location within range. The swarm can be up to 50 feet per caster level wide when amassed. You must know the location’s name if you cannot see, hear, or touch it. If there are no vermin at all in the area, they are summoned from the nearest location that does have vermin, even if they cannot actually survive in the target location.

  • Spell 3
  • Spell 4
  • Spell 5
  • Spell 6

Per the Magic rules, spells of a higher level than the character may be cast. If cast by Reading a Formula or Casting from Memory, the character must succeed on a d20 roll against half their Intelligence score to Control the spell or suffer failure and miscasting. If cast by Performing a Ritual, the roll to Control the spell is made against the full Intelligence score of the character.


Key: (t)-tiny item, (s)-small encumbering, (r)-regular encumbering, (#)-value of item encumbrance
Limits: Encumbering Items: 6/5 | Small Items 10/13

  • Worn
    • walking stick (r)
    • clothes in need of mending
    • rapier (r)
    • pistols (2) (r,r)
    • a pouch with 2 dozen bullets and a powder horn (2t)
    • Light Armor (heirloom)
  • Shoulderbag (r)
    • a “magical” amulet bought from a fortune teller (t)
    • makeup kit (s)
    • full wineskin (s)
    • empty wineskin (s)
    • wooden case (s)
      • vial of ink
      • pieces of fine paper (12)
      • quills (12)
    • bedroll (s)
    • deck of cards (t)
    • paints and brushes wrapped in leather (s)
    • spellbook (s)
    • Ineffable Dissertation on Crimson Studies, a book of coarse paper, written by a crazed devotee of a sorcerous cult. It's got a red cover, made of felted paper, and the edges of the pages have been dyed red. You can decide whether the subject matter is on animals, animation of objects, astronomy, or herbs and other useful plants. Or some combination of those. (s)
    • Awesome Manual of Scarlet Obsession, a book of scrolls of cloth, written by a foreign sage scribing truths for her apprentice. You can decide whether the subject matter is on astrology, animation of objects, alcoholic beverages, or music technique. Or some combination. (s)
    • Proscribed Pandect of Scaled Verity, a book of loose pages of copper written in ink that can only be read under the light of the moon, written by the last adept of a dying magical tradition. You can decide whether the subject matter is on celestial beings, animation of objects, fishing, or chemistry. Or some combination. (s)
    • a case with two pistols (2)
  • Coinpurse
    • 100 cyphers


Special Moves
