D&D 5E: Adventurer Inc - Character 5
Stelian von der Rosen Lawful Good male half-orc paladin-5 (Oath of Devotion) Armor Class 16 (chainmail); 18 (chainmail with shield)
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16 (+3) | 10 (+0) | 14 (+2) | 10 (+0) | 12 (+1) | 16* (+3) |
Senses Darkvision 60' (from race), Passive Perception 11, Passive Investigation 10
Proficiencies (+3 bonus)
Actions Longsword. Melee weapon attack: +6 to hit, 5' reach, one target. Hit: 1d8+5 slashing Longbow. Ranged weapon attack: +3 to hit, range 150'/600', one target. Hit: 1d8 piercing Javelin. Melee weapon attack (thrown): +6 to hit, 5' reach (range 30'/120'), one target. Hit: 1d6+3 piercing Racial Features — Half-Orc Relentless Endurance (1/long rest): When I would be reduced to 0hp (but not killed outright), I may be reduced to 1hp instead. Savage Attacks: When I score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, I can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice an additional time and add it to the total damage. Class Features — Paladin (*Oath of Devotion) Divine Sense (4/long rest): As an action, until the end of my next turn, I know the location and creature type of any celestial, fiend, or undead within 60’ (that is not behind total cover), as well as the presence of any consecrated (or desecrated) place or object. Lay on Hands (50hp/long rest): As an action, I can touch a creature and transfer any amount of hp from my remaining pool to it. I can also spend 5hp from the pool to cure a disease or neutralize a poison. Fighting Style (Duelling): When wielding a melee weapon in one hand, and no other weapons, I add +2 to damage rolls with that weapon. Divine Smite: When I hit a creature with a melee attack, I may expend a spell slot to add (1+spell level)d8 radiant damage (+1d8 vs. fiends and/or undead) to the weapon damage. *Channel Divinity (1/short rest): I may use either option below.
Extra Attack: When I take an Attack action, I may make two attacks. Spellcasting Spellcasting Ability Charisma Attack +5 Save DC 14 Spell Prepared ×5 (plus Oath spells):
GetterBurai's PC for the Adventurer, Inc. campaign.
Age 24 Height 6'2" Weight 252 lbs.
Hair Dark brown Eyes Amber Skin Greenish-grey
Stelian is a tall, broad-shouldered young man with a somewhat foppish bearing; he typically wears a black silk scarf tied over the lower half of his face, ostensibly to "guard [his] sensitive constitution from miasma".
Background (Noble: Knight)
Wealthy landowner Nicolae von der Rosen is descended from a long-ago knight of great fame and heroic deeds (as he is often bound to reiterate in great detail to those who dine at his table), charged with the defense of this feudal territory; over many generations, the von der Rosen line bartered away the lion's share of their martial honors and governing privileges to leave a mostly-empty ceremonial title ... and, of course, the money.
Many years ago, the orcish witch Sazura was forced to flee her lair; magically disguising herself as a human damsel, she sought refuge from the widower Nicolae. As it happened, she grew sincerely fond of the man, and the two were eventually married. (Nicolae seems to have deduced the truth of his new wife's origins sometime shortly after the wedding, but saw no real evidence of any direct plot toward him and hence little reason to care.) Their son did not benefit from such a glamor, and whispers of an unfortunate curse plagued him throughout his childhood, though he did learn the truth from his mother as a young boy; often told romanticized stories of how every great orc warrior carries the proof of his courage in his scars, Stelian came to extend this outlook to a metaphorical level — considering the weathering of any hardship, social as well as physical, as clear proof of one's merit. This same sense of martial virtue naturally made him ready, even eager to step in place of others when danger threatened; thus, many locals who have come to know him are willing to excuse his outward eccentrities in respect of the aid he has often provided regardless of familiarity or station.
With his elder half-brother Sandru the heir-apparent of the von der Rosen estates, Stelian bore few if any formal duties; rather than linger on feeling like a freeloader on the family fortune, he has taken to travelling in search of opportunities to build both a fortune and heroic reputation of his own, perhaps one day equalling the founder of his line.
Background Feature — Retainers
I have the service of three loyal retainers who will perform mundane tasks for me; they will not fight for me, or enter obviously dangerous areas.
- (Doctor) Pontifilus, Stelian's one-time tutor, barber, and now personal valet; a well-educated gnomish gentleman with a gently sardonic manner, he is typically introduced as Stelians "physician" in keeping with the public conceit maintained by the family that Stelian continues to be afflicted by the after-effects of a childhood illness.
- Arrin de Onda, Stelian's squire, the adolescent son of one of Nicolae's wealthier tenant-merchants. Arrin is an almost painfully earnest lad, solid and sensible enough to recognize he's best off personally avoiding the esoteric dangers Master Stelian and his companions often find themselves facing, and youthfully romantic enough to feel at least a little guilty he can't stand with them ("...yet!", he would like to tell himself) as a 'proper' shieldbearer would.
- Preciosa Kindleheath (just "Kindy" by preference, finding her given name embarrassingly grandiose) is Stelian's groom (in the equestrian sense). Kindy was originally a childhood friend and lady-in-waiting of Stelian's half-sister Adela; when Adela took on a position as an acolyte of the family chapel under her uncle Razvan, Kindy more or less imposed herself on the stables in a stubborn bid to prove herself useful. She has an occasionally aggressive, almost bullying rivalry with Arrin — concerned her role has retroactively become a sinecure given the unnaturally easy-going behavior of Stelian's current steed Skrytifar, she feels an urge to 'elbow in' to other, more important-appearing responsibilities.
Personal Characteristics
- Because I cannot change the appearance I was born with, I approach what I can change (clothes, manners, etc.) with exacting attention.
- I hide my heritage not to protect myself (because I am fearful or ashamed) but others (who might foolishly force me into a fight).
Ideal: Justice — The arc of existence is long, but bends towards justice when enough force is applied.
Bond: I must look out for the well-being of my family and the honor of their name.
Flaw: I have little sense of "enough" where food and drink are concerned.
Skrytifar Large celestial, unaligned Armor Class 13 (hide barding)
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18 (+4) | 12 (+1) | 13 (+1) | 6 (-2) | 12 (+1) | 7 (-2) |
Senses Passive Perception 11 Traits Trampling Charge: If Skrytifar moves at least 20' straight toward a creature and then hits it with a hooves Attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, Skrytifar can make another Attack with its hooves against it as a Bonus Action. Actions Hooves. Melee weapon attack: +6 to hit, 5' reach, one target. Hit: 2d6+4 bludgeoning |
Encumbrance: 80/160/240 lbs
#6 | Fine Clothes; signet ring |
#2 | Belt pouch; purse (17gp, 15sp) |
#3 | Longsword |
#6 | Shield w/holy symbol emblem — "heirloom" item |
#3 | Longbow w/20 arrows |
#10 | javelins (×5) |
#22 | Backpack: mess kit, 50' hemp rope, tinderbox, rations (×2 days), tarot deck, waterskin |
With Horse
Encumbrance: 180/360/540 lbs
#31 | Military saddle; bit & bridle |
#16 | Saddlebags: rations (× 8 days) |
#7 | Bedroll |