D&D 5E: Adventurer Inc - Character 5

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Fragarach "Frag" Lir
Lawful Good male half-orc paladin-5 (Oath of Devotion)

Armor Class 16 (Dex + Con + Shield)
Hit Points 47 (12+1d12+3d8+15)
Speed 25 ft.

13 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 8 (+0)

Senses Darkvision 60' (from race), Passive Perception 13, Passive Investigation 10

Proficiencies (+3 bonus)
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Armor & Weapons: Simple & martial weapons; medium armor & shields
Skills: Athletics +4, History +3, Insight +4, Survival , Persuasion +6
Tools: Fiddle (Instrument)
Languages: Common, Gnomish, Elvish, Druidic,


Longsword. Melee weapon attack: +6 to hit, 5' reach, one target. Hit: 1d8+5 slashing

Longbow. Ranged weapon attack: +3 to hit, range 150'/600', one target. Hit: 1d8 piercing

Javelin. Melee weapon attack (thrown): +6 to hit, 5' reach (range 30'/120'), one target. Hit: 1d6+3 piercing

Racial Features — Half-Orc

Relentless Endurance (1/long rest): When I would be reduced to 0hp (but not killed outright), I may be reduced to 1hp instead.

Savage Attacks: When I score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, I can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice an additional time and add it to the total damage.

Class Features — Paladin (*Oath of Devotion)

Divine Sense (4/long rest): As an action, until the end of my next turn, I know the location and creature type of any celestial, fiend, or undead within 60’ (that is not behind total cover), as well as the presence of any consecrated (or desecrated) place or object.

Lay on Hands (50hp/long rest): As an action, I can touch a creature and transfer any amount of hp from my remaining pool to it. I can also spend 5hp from the pool to cure a disease or neutralize a poison.

Fighting Style (Duelling): When wielding a melee weapon in one hand, and no other weapons, I add +2 to damage rolls with that weapon.

Divine Smite: When I hit a creature with a melee attack, I may expend a spell slot to add (1+spell level)d8 radiant damage (+1d8 vs. fiends and/or undead) to the weapon damage.

*Channel Divinity (1/short rest): I may use either option below.

  • Sacred Weapon: As an action, for 1 minute a weapon I am holding becomes magical; it emits bright light in a 20’ radius and dim light in a 20’ further radius, and I add my Charisma bonus to attack rolls with it.
  • Turn Unholy: Each fiend and/or undead within 30’ that can see or hear me must make a Wisdom save or be turned for 1 minute. (A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far from me as possible, cannot willingly move within 30’ of me, my take no reactions, and may only use its actions to Dash, to escape restraints, or Dodge.

Extra Attack: When I take an Attack action, I may make two attacks.


Spellcasting Ability Charisma   Attack +5   Save DC 14  

Spell Prepared ×5 (plus Oath spells):

  • 1st level (×4/4) — bless, compelled duel, protection from evil, sanctuary, thunderous smite, wrathful smite
  • 2nd level (×2/2) — lesser restoration, locate object, zone of truth


Age 24   Height 6'2"   Weight 252 lbs.
Hair Dark brown   Eyes Amber   Skin Greenish-grey

Background (Outlander)

Background Feature

Personal Characteristics






Encumbrance: 80/160/240 lbs

#6 Fine Clothes; signet ring
#2 Belt pouch; purse (17gp, 15sp)
#3 Longsword
#6 Shield w/holy symbol emblem — "heirloom" item
#3 Longbow w/20 arrows
#10 javelins (×5)
#22 Backpack: mess kit, 50' hemp rope, tinderbox, rations (×2 days), tarot deck, waterskin

With Horse

Encumbrance: 180/360/540 lbs

#31 Military saddle; bit & bridle
#16 Saddlebags: rations (× 8 days)
#7 Bedroll