Current Episode/NPCs
Episode 1 - The Ranch
A local Rancher is losing cattle to a strange malady and suspects foul play. She has hired the crew of the Wanderer to discreetly look into the matter.
- Boggs McGee - Fixer
- Miranda and Jules Katayev - Deadwood Ranchers
- Sandy Katayev - Horse Trainer, Miranda and Jules Daughter
- Ponymane - Mute and Burned Stableboy
- Jake Johnson - Ranch Foreman
- Bob - Ranch Hand
- Mac - Ranch Hand
- Chen - Ranch Hand
- Sandy Katayev - Horse Trainer, Miranda and Jules Daughter
- Billie Anderson - RotR ("rotter") Representative on the Rim - Trade Guild Rep
- Jan Kim Hai - Senior Port Inspector and Triad Lieutenant for the Han
- Jan Lola Sha - Kim Hai's wife
- Lai and Kai - Kim and Lola's daughters (possibly twins)
- Phun Phat - Triad Informant
- Captain Casey Malone - Proprietor of The Last Stand
- Bean - Bouncer/Bodyguard/Muscle at Little Fin Pho
- Malakai - Triad "ferret"
- Trader's Guild
- Rancher's Guild
- Han Triad
- Bar K Ranch
- The Corpsebox - Spaceport Tavern
- Martinsbug//Martinsburg Spaceport
- Little Fin Pho - Noodle Dive
- The Last Stand - Browncoat Bar & Brothel
- Nameless Industrial Laundry/Gaming Parlor