Trystane Lyandre

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Byzantium: Nightmares Undreamed Of

Trystane Lyandre







2 (2000/4000)






Primary Attributes:

Charisma Dexterity Ferocity Health Intelligence Willpower Social Class
16 13 11 18 9 9 Middle

Background Aspect

Faith and Service - Trystane has come from a monastic upbringing, and was formerly a town watchman, charged with protecting his community. He has a sense of duty in his heart to protect the vulnerable and fight evil.

Defining Aspect

Light Lost in Darkness - Trystane broke his vow of chastity and neglected his duty, bringing calamity upon his community and bringing about his banishment. He struggles with his faith in the wake of this event, and with the conflicting desires of his soul.

Secret Aspect

Seeking Redemption, But... - Trystane wants to redeem himself for his past transgressions that cut him off from everything he knew, but he is still under the constant temptation of his earthly desires, and sometimes they win.


  • Hit Die 1d8
  • Initiative:
  • Speed:
  • AC:
  • Disposition:
  • Psychic Armor:


  • Weapon 1 Attack +X to hit
  • Weapon 2 Attack +Y to hit


• You can’t be of neutral alignment. • You must display your alignment prominently, or else you cannot use any of your special abilities.


You adhere to some kind of code, philosophy, or religion that reflects and promotes your alignment. It may be practical or mostly theoretical—either way, you are well-versed in its tenets, skilled both at arguing its ideology and performing its rituals. When you use this training in a risky manner, you must roll equal to or lower than one of your attribute scores on a d20 to successfully perform your task. Th e GM will tell you which attribute score to use. You may also be skilled in other areas, depending on your past and how you came to become a champion. Discuss your character’s identity with the GM, either before or during the game. You may need to elaborate on how and where you learned a skill when you perform an appropriate action during play.

Special Abilities

• Add your level to your attack rolls.

• During a rest, you can give anyone else who shares your alignment advantage when they re-roll their Disposition or Psychic Armour.

• You always know when magic in your presence requires or targets your alignment.

• You always know when someone in your presence shares your alignment.

• You have additional special abilities that depend on your alignment:

• As a complicated combat action, you may give your Disposition away to your allies. For each point of Disposition you lose, one other character who can see, hear, or touch you gains 2 points of Disposition. However much Disposition you choose to lose, up to your total current score, you may distribute amongst other characters as you see fit.


Memorized X/Y

  • Imbuement
  • Spells


Key: (t)-tiny item, (s)-small encumbering, (r)-regular encumbering, (#)-value of item encumbrance
Limits: Encumbering Items: X/(4+Health modifier) | Small Items X/Health Attribute

  • Worn


a waterproof woollen cloak

1 pouch attached to a belt

a dagger

a firm baton

  • Backpack

1d6 doses of medicinal drugs (analgesic, fatal if overdosed)

50 feet of silk rope and mountain climbing gear (including a pickaxe and a dozen iron spikes)

a lantern

a pole for lighting street lanterns

a whistle

a horn that lets out a melancholy bellow when blown

1d6 doses of antitoxin and 1d6 uses of bandages

  • Coinpurse

Special Moves
