Precedence of Powers
Precedence. A potent concept in the powers of the universe.
According to the list of High Order Initiations there are generally accepted degrees of empowerment of constructs able to empower High Order Sorcery. The greater the artifact or initiation used to empower an item, the more rugged the creation is. Spells cast from the frames of these initiations are more powerful according to their ranking in the orders.
In a general way many elements may be used and compinded to create or conjure items of power. The mixture of powers providing a stronger result. Elements may include Focus, Alter, Inscribing Tool, Sigils of Powers, Adjacent Powers, Sorcery, Conjuration, Psyche, Endurance, Quenching Liquids, Fudge, Herbs and Incense
High Order Initiations
See High Order Initiations for more details
First Order[[1]]
- Jewel of Judgment
- Horn of the Unicorn
- Hide of the Tiger
- Chanticleer's Gaff
Second Order Initiations
- Patterns
- Marks
- Lorgus
Third Order Initiations
- Broken Patterns
- Woven Logrus
Fourth Order Initiations
- Shade Patterns
- Shade Logrus
- Shade marks
- Keep of the Four Worlds
'Fifth Order Initiations
- Mal at Riess
Focus Constructs
First Order
- Jewel of Judgment
- Horn of the Unicorn
- Hide of the Tiger
- Chanticleer's Gaff
Second Order Initiations
- Shadows of the Jewel, Horn, Hide, & Gaff
Third Order Initiations
- Cracked Stones (Related to Broken Patterns)
- Stones of Mandalay
Fourth Order Initiations
- Fantalin Forging Lens
- Pattern Inscribed Items
- Shards of Paragon
Fifth Order Initiations
Forging Surfaces, Alters, & Locations
First Order
- Rock Kolvir at the Primal Pattern
- Hide of the Tiger
Second Order Initiations
- Pattern Chambers
- The Stairs of Tir Nogath
- The Hub of Mandalay
- Hub of the Mark
- Way of the Lorgus
Third Order Initiations
- Broken Pattern Chambers
- Woven Logrus Rooms
- Rock Paragon
Fourth Order Initiations
- Shade Patterns Chambers
- Shade Logrus Ways
Fifth Order Initiations
- Mal at Riess Chamber
Sixth Order initiations
- Stone of Skulls
Inscribing Tool
First Order
- Chanticleer's Gaff
Second Order Initiations
- Pattern Inscribed Tools
Third Order Initiations
- Broken Pattern Inscribed Tools
- Sorcerous Inscription
Fourth Order Initiations
- Shards of Paragon
Fifth Order Initiations
Sixth Order initiations
Sorcery and Conjuration
First Order
- Primal Sorcery & Conjuration
Second Order Initiations
- Master Sorcery & Conjuration
Third Order Initiations
- Advanced Sorcery & Conjuration
Fourth Order Initiations
- Standard Sorcery & Conjuration
Fifth Order Initiations
Sixth Order initiations
Sigil and Channeling Initiations
First Order
- Primal Patterns
- Primal Logrus
Second Order Initiations
- Signs of the Pattern
- Sign of the Mark
- Signs of the Lorgus
- Sigil of Paragon
- Frame of Calmir
Third Order Initiations
- Sign of the Broken Pattern
- Sign of the Woven Logrus
- Sigil of Major Squiggles: Azcala, Regor, Bursain, Talwas
Fourth Order Initiations
- Signs of Shade Patterns: Shades of Amber, Major Shade Patterns:York, Plymoth, Agdics
- Signs of Shade Logrus Ways: The Grip of Vagalorat
Fifth Order Initiations
- Sigil of Mal at Riess
Quenching Liquids
First Order Quenching Fluids
- Water from the Pond near the Primal Patterns
- Liquid Stuff of Chaos from the Way of the Primal Logrus
- Sap of Ygg
Second Order Quenching Fluids
- Water from the pond of the Castle Pattern Room
- Water from the Pattern Chamber of Rebma
- Water of the Mark
- Liquid Stuff og Chaos from the Way of the Lorgus
- Wine of Paragon
- Blood of Amber (preference by generation Dworkin downward)
- Royal Blood of Chaos
Third Order Quenching Fluids
- Water of the Broken Pattern Chambers or locations
- Water of the Woven Logrus Ways
- Waters of Major Squiggles: Azcala, Regor, Bursain, Talwas
- Calrabon Pepper Sauce
- Wines and Alcohols of Mandalay
- Whiskey of Amber
Fourth Order Quenching Fluids
- Waters of Shade Patterns: Shades of Amber, Major Shade Patterns:York, Plymoth, Agdics
- Waters of Shade Logrus Ways: The Waterfall to the Grip of Vagalorat
- Wines and alcohol of Amber
- Wines and Alcohols of Chaos
Fifth Order Quenching Fluids
- Living Blood
- Gerard's Mead
Sixth Order Quenching Fluids'
- Alcohols
Seventh ordr Quenching Fluids
- Water and juices
Herbs and Incense
First Order
- Primal Patterns Herbs, gathered from the Rock Kolvir
- Herbs from the interior of th Hub of Mandalay
Second Order
- Herbs from the Pattern rooms
- Herbs of Mandalay
Third Order
- Archdruid Herbs
- Incense From the Church of the Unicorn
- Incense from the Church of the Serpent
Fourth Order
- Sanctified Incense from the Fane of Zilla
- Sanctified Incense from the Church of the Unicorn-Fantalin
- Sage
- Poison Ivy
Fifth Order
- Fresh Herbs
Sixth Order
- Dried herbs
First Order
- Dark Double Fudge
- Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge
Second Order
- Peanut Butter Honey Fudge
- White Chocolate and Blueberry Fudge
- Creamy Lemon Fudge
Third Order
- Cherry Almond Fudge
- Maple Walnut Fudge
Fourth Order
- Crunchy Mint Chocolate Fudge
- Old Fashioned Chocolate Fudge
Fifth Order Initiations
- Candy Cane Fudge
First Order
- Whiskey of Amber
- The Lebar as Unum of Mandalay
Second Order
- Johnny Walker Blue Label
- Gentleman Jack
Third Order
- Jack Daniels old #7
- Even Walker
- Glenlivet 18
Fourth Order
- Store Brand Blended Whiskey
Fifth Order Initiations
- Ole Smoky Tennessee Moonshine