Cyllian:Godbound Character Creation

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Character Generation

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Character Class

Choose a class for your character and record the following.

  • Warrior: 24(6) hit points, +2 combat bonus, 4d damage pool, and select a combat style
  • Sorcerer: 10(4) hit points, +2 magic bonus, select 2 complexity 1 spells and 2 complexity 2 spells
  • Rogue 14(5) hit points, +1 combat bonus, 2d damage pool, +1 magic bonus, select 2 complexity 1 spells
  • All: 600 XP


Select an attribute to be favored. Record it.

  • Strength: Bonus added to strength rolls, including every damage die in melee.
  • Intelligence: Bonus added to starting skill points and must be favored by Sorcerers to get access to the most powerful spells.
  • Wisdom: Bonus added to the ability to read people and situations, and as a bonus against mind altering magic.
  • Constitution: Bonus added to Vitality and Hit Points at every advancement, in addition to a bonus for saves against disease and poison.
  • Dexterity: Bonus added to missile combat in addition to any skill checks involving hand-eye coordination.
  • Charisma: Bonus added to all Reaction Rolls and determines total number of loyal retainers a character can have.

Optional: select a second attribute to be favored and select an attribute to be exceptionable. Record both.


Characters start with 5 skill points, adjust for Intelligence. Common Skills all start at a base of 0. Professional Skills are untrained by default. It costs 1 skill point to train a professional skill to a base value of 0. Thereafter, it costs a number of skill points equal to the new level is skill to raise a skill. Skills must be advanced 1 level at a time.

For starting characters use the following starting costs:

  • Train a professional skill to level 0: 1 skill point
  • Train any skill to level 1 from 0: 1 skill point
  • Train any skill to level 2 from 0: 3 skill points
  • Train any skill to level 3 from 0: 6 skill points


All character will start with basic equipment and enough money to survive for a short time.

  • Warrior: any armor, weapons to match the character's Combat Style, a dagger, standard adventurer pack.
  • Sorcerer: light armor, a single weapon of choice, and a standard adventurer pack.
  • Rogue: light armor, two weapons of choice, and a standard adventurer pack.
  • All: start with 20 xxx. With Charisma bonus double, with Charisma disadvantage, halve.