Mercy Quintillano

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Back to A Fistful of Credits

Maria "Mercy" Quintillano

Mutant Human Psyscape 'Third Eye' Psi-Ghost L1 (XP: 0/2050)
5'9", 140 lbs, dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, tanned tattooed skin

Alignment: Unprincipled (Selfish)


Intelligence Quotient: 9
Mental Endurance: 7
Mental Affinity: 13 [+2 Psi-Ghost +2 Psyscape]
Physical Strength: 13 [+1 Acrobatics +1 Athletics]
Physical Prowess: 19 [+1 Acrobatics +1 Psi-Ghost]
Physical Endurance: 9 [+1 Acrobatics +1 Running]
Physical Beauty: 8
Speed: 10 [+1d6 Athletics +4d4 Running]

S.D.C.: +10 [2d6+12 base +1 Psi-Ghost +9 Psyscape +1d8 Athletics +1d6 Acrobatics +1d6 Running]
Hit Points:
Potential Psychic Energy: 14
Inner Strength Points: 60 [Psi-Ghost base + 13 Psyscape]


  • Save vs Psionic Attacks on 10+
  • +2 to save vs mind control
  • +6 to save vs possession
  • +2 to save vs despair based attacks
  • +2 to save vs Horror Factor
  • +2 initiative
  • +4 to roll with impact or fall
  • +2 to disarm
  • +3 to pull punch


  • Communication: Literacy: American 55%, Speak American 89%, Speak Spanish 73%, Radio: Basic 70%, Surveillance 55%
  • Electrical: Basic Electronics 45%
  • Espionage: Detect Concealment [Related] 40%, Escape Artist 45%, Pick Locks 55%
  • Mechanical: Basic Mechanics 40%
  • Physical: Acrobatics [Secondary], Athletics (General) [Secondary], Climbing 75% / 82% (climb rope/rappel) (add 10% with Intuitive Combat)
  • Pilot: Hovercycles 73% [Related], Jet Pack 46% [Secondary]
  • Rogue: Computer Hacking 35%, Prowl 45% (65% when intangible), Seduction [Related] 44%, Streetwise 36%
  • Science: Mathematics (Basic) 60%
  • Technical: Computer Operations 60%, Computer Programming [free prereq] 35%
  • W.P.: Energy Pistol, Energy Rifle,

Third Eye Psyscape resident

Sense Supernatural Evil and Magic Energy

  • Constant, automatic sense disrupted by close proximity to ley lines.
  • 100' range normally, 1000' range with active spell usage
  • 74% to identify type/race of paranormal creature or identify possession
  • 55% chance to track by sense; 73% chance if target using magic

Extended Psionics Power
All Sensitive Powers are double range and duration.

Radiate Nature
All psychics within 100' and all non-psychics within 12' sense Mercy's feelings and intentions as if receiving a weak empathic transmission.

Can converse with kindred spirits in dream medium.

Transform into energy being
Can place self into stasis within a ley line for up to 100 years at the cost of 270 I.S.P.


Heightened Presence Sense

  • automatically aware of all intelligent presences within 30 feet
  • automatically aware when under observation by surveillance systems manned by a sentient being
  • 'focused attention' (1d4 melee rounds) allows Mercy to determine the exact number of intelligent presences within range and a 62% chance to pinpoint their precise location


  • Mercy and up to 20 lbs of material become intangible at will (up to four shifts / melee).
  • Electricity attacks inflict 1/2 damage/effect
  • Psionic and gas attacks inflict full damage/effect
  • Immune to all other attacks
  • +20% to Prowl skill when intangible
  • confers Horror Factor 14 if seen, due to specter-like appearance



  • Deaden Senses: 160' requires LOS, 2d6 minutes, 4 ISP, -1 to save; befuddle victim (+10% prowl, seduction, others; -1 initiative, -5% skill performance, -10% speed)
  • Nightvision: visual range 600', 20 minutes, 4 ISP; must have some source of light. Sudden light exposure will blind for 3d4 melee rounds unless additional Nightvision polarization effect utilized.


  • Intuitive Combat: self, 8 melee rounds, 10 ISP; concentrate for 1 melee round to receive +3 initiative, +1 strike/parry, +4 dodge/pull punch, +2 roll/disarm; +10% to acrobatics, climb, and swim; cannot be surprised even by attacks from behind. May not use any other psionic powers while in use.
  • Machine Ghost: computer by touch, 12 minutes, 12 ISP; trance-like state allows entry to an A.I. object or object reading electronically stored data.
  • Mask I.S.P. & Psionics: self, 40 minutes, 7 ISP; completely mask all psionic energy, altering aura. Blocks user's psionic senses.
  • Meditation: recover 6 ISP / hour of meditation
  • Mind Block: self, 40 minutes, 4 ISP; blocks all psychic/mental emanations, +1 save vs psychic/mental attacks
  • Object Read: touch, 2d6 minutes or variable, ISP 6; test against both 58% chance to receive impressions and 50% chance to receive images. If successful on one of these, may also test against 40% chance to receive information about the present for an additional 4 ISP.
  • See the Invisible: 240' or 480' on a ley line, 4 minutes, 4 ISP
  • Sixth Sense: 180', until danger passes, 2 ISP; receives precognitive flash of imminent danger to self or someone within 180'. During first melee recieve +6 initiative, +2 parry, +3 dodge, no chance of sneak attack from behind.

