Vera Selenium

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Vera Selenium


Brawn: 1 Agility 4 Intellect 2 Cunning 2 Willpower 3 Presence 3

Soak: 1 Wound Threshold: 10 Strain Threshold: 14


Charm 1 Coordination 1 Driving 1 Ranged Light 1 Piloting 1 Stealth 1


  • Zero-G Adept
  • Resourceful
  • Years on the Force


  • Synap pistol
  • Durable clothing
  • Cross body bag and load bearing gear
  • PAD
  • Smartspecs
  • 57 credits


Desire: Belonging. Vera wanted to come down to Earth to get away from the confines of Heinlein to a place where the air wasn't trying to kill you and you had room to move around. ...yeah, lots of New Angeles doesn't really fit that. And in the process, she lost her community, and what was left of it wanted to use her, or she had to let herself be used against... Finally she discovered how much she liked driving - something you just don't get to do on the moon unless you're a ristie or a prospector - but that still didn't fill the hole. She's kinda hoping the community of criminals she now mostly spends time around will have a place for her...​

Fear: Humiliation. Vera was not very successful as a cop and she was often reminded of such. Compound that with the Loonie tendency to be awkward when first encountering various earthbound social situations for the first time, and... yeah. Lots of raw nerves there.​

Strength: Curious. Most of the big jumps Vera's made in her life - especially into NAPD and then out of it - originally came from her wondering what life was like outside her own bubble, and finding out more about people than just the bare minimum.​

Flaw: Rudderless. She wants to find out where she fits in, and that means she's sometimes far too likely to go with the flow of people around her. Also she's not great at long-term plans.​