Gulyás Veronika
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Gulyás Veronika, the Devilfish[edit]
L3 Thief (XP: ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo)
Appearance: Widow's peak, Deep voice, Red-rimmed eyes, Indigo-skinned (medium blue)
Traits: Daring, Selfish, Zealous
Heritage: Human - when you Wrap Up, mark 1 additional XP
Alignment: Chaotic
Mark XP
- Acquire something by stealth or trickery
- Act according to your traits
- Disrupt a prevailing order
STR 9 | DEX 8 | CON 9 | INT 13 | WIS 7 | CHA 10 | LUC 9 |
9/9 | 8/8 | 9/9 | 13/13 | 7/7 | 10/10 | 9/9 |
(-1) | (+1) | (-1) | ||||
xoooo | ooooo | xxxxo | xxooo | ooooo | xxxoo |
- Hit Die d6
- Armor: 2
- HP: 5/5
- Dagger: 1d4 damage, hand, precise, 1 pierce
- Sling Attack: 1d4 damage, near, far
- Sap Attack: 1 damage, hand, stun
Thief Moves[edit]
Cunning 4/4
- Tricks of the Trade - You walk the byways between right and wrong, the gray area where unorthodox methods of acqusition and elusion are what get the job done.
- Each time you take this move, choose 1 area of expertise: Stealth Locks Poison Disguise Acrobatics Traps Treasure Negotiation
- Cunning represents how clever and prepared you are at any given moment. Your maximum cunning is equal to your current level, +INT (minimum of 1).
- When you take the time to brood in silence and plot your next move, reset your cunning to its maximum.
- When you make any move that falls within an area of your expertise, after you roll you may increase the result by 1 for each point of cunning you choose to spend.
- Hide in Shadows - When you are out of sight and remain quiet and still, you may spend 1 cunning to go unnoticed until you act or until someone is right on top of you (whichever comes first).
- Move Silently - When you sneak from one place to another, name a destination within sight and roll +DEX: on a 10+, you get there and take +1 forward against whomever failed to notice you; on a 7-9, choose 1 from the list below; on a 6-, mark Dexterity and the Judge makes a move.
- They notice you before you get there, but you have the upper hand and take +1 forward
- You have to stop when you’re only part way there, or else they’ll notice you
- They notice you as soon as you reach your goal, and you take -1 forward
- Pick Locks & Disarm Traps - When you attempt to neutralize or circumvent a mechanical device with the proper tools, roll +DEX: on a 10+, you do it, as well as could be expected; on a 7-9, you do it, but the Judge chooses 1 from the list below; on a 6-, mark Dexterity and the Judge makes a move.
- Your tampering attracts unwanted attention
- It’ll work, but there’s a hitch (ask the Judge what)
- You expend resources of the Judge’s choice (tools, ability points, etc.)
- Purloin - When you surreptitiously swipe something out from under someone’s nose, roll +DEX: on a 10+, it’s yours, and they won’t notice until they look for it; on a 7-9, it’s yours, but they notice it’s gone right away; on a 6-, mark Dexterity and the Judge makes a move.
- Backstab - When you use a hand weapon to attack a surprised or defenseless target, deal your damage and roll +DEX: on a 10+, choose 2 from the list below; on a 7-9, choose 1; on a 6-, mark Dexterity and the Judge makes a move.
- You deal your damage again
- You slip immediately out of your target’s reach
- You create an advantage—describe it, and the next person to exploit it takes +1 forward
Advanced Moves[edit]
- Sense Danger - When you consider a situation, however briefly, you may spend 1 cunning to force the Judge to tell you if any threat is imminent, and from whence it will come.
- Slip Free - When you take action to release yourself from bonds of any kind, roll +DEX: on a 10+, you’re free, so make the most of it; on a 7-9, you’re free, but choose 1 from the list below; on a 6-, mark Dexterity and the Judge makes a move.
- You leave something or someone important behind
- You incur some injury or disadvantage (ask the Judge what)
- Whoever bound you in the first place knows that you’re free
Capacity: 5 | Weight Carried: 5
- Worn
- Chainmail [wt 2]
- Dagger
- Knife
- Sap
- Sling
- Belt pouch (slingstones, 3/3 ammo) (ooo)
- Waterskin
- Winter cloak
- Backpack
- Rations (oooooo) [wt 1]
- Lockpicks
- Fine whetstone
- Poor clothes
- Quality clothes
- Adventuring Gear (ooooo) [wt 2]
- Tinderbox
- Candles (ooooo)
- Writing kit
- Bandages (ooo)
- Antitoxin
Silver in Hand: 65