Firefly: Leaf On The Wind - Companion
Name :: Registered Companion

|| Physical || Mental
|| Social
Trained Skills 

Untrained Skills 
| Drive | Fight
| Fly
| Labor
| Move
| Operate
| Survive
| Throw
| Trick
Registered Companion - You have an active license in the Companion Registry, which opens doors and brings you business.
- Step Back - Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- I Know Your Ways - Spend 1 Plot Point to step up or double Influence when you are attempting to follow proper etiquette or put someone at ease.
[Highlighted Skills: Know/Influence/Perform]
Caring - You’ve a courage and tenacity in carin’ for others that most folk don’t. You’re the light in their darkness.
- Step Back - Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- Heal the Wounded Heart - Spend 1 Plot Point to step back another character's emotional or relationship-based Complication.
[Highlighted Skills: Notice/Influence/Treat]
Trained Singer - Your voice is one of the sweetest things in the 'Verse.
[Highlighted Skills: Craft/Notice/Perform]
Signature Assets 

Describe your character here