Burning Hyperchrome

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This is the Wiki for the Interface Zero Fate Core Burning Hyperchrome PbP campaign.

The campaign kicks off in that toiling beehive, that space elevator-crowned termite hill, the Free City of Chicago.

PC Information

Player Fate Points Stress Consequences Race Resources Equipment/Augs Stunts
Nachetanya 3 3/4 Cyborg 2 Cyberarm [1] (Recoil Compensation); Cyberlegs [2] (Kangaroo System, Ligament Enhancement); Subdermal Armour; Wireless Reflexes II (Two Steals, +2 to Defence); Cybereyes [2] (Enhanced Vision, Night Vision) Adaptable Mind (+2 to defend against Strain attacks using Will); Focus Armour [Subdermal Armour] (Gain +2 armour); Inhuman Reflexes [Wireless Reflexes] (gain one steal, and +Strain bonus to avoid being ambushed / surprised); Soaring Leap [Cyberlegs (Kangaroo System)]
Jesse Fourone 3 4/3 Android 2 Cyber ears: Motion Detection; Cyberarm: Fingerprint Duplicator and Lockpicking Kit (1 module, hand); EMP Shielding, advanced Practically Unlocked (Once a session, you can defeat a security system with opposition of Fair (+2) or less without rolling or using your action for the exchange); Have You Tried Rebooting It? (By spending a fate point, you can cancel the effects of an aspect or consequence that represents broken equipment for a single scene); Panopticon
Jane Mordread 2 2/3 Cyborg 2 Pre-built Average chassis aerial drone with: Advanced Optics; Redundant Systems I; Ravenlocke Securities PD9 Personal Defense Weapon; Average (+1) Stealth and Notice Martyr: When a vehicle you’re piloting is attacked, once you know the final shift value of the attack, you can choose to suffer the stress instead of your vehicle. If you’re inside the vehicle, you take physical stress; if you’re piloting the vehicle remotely, you take mental stress; Night Terror: You can roll Stealth instead of Provoke to create an advantage related to fear by flitting in and out of the shadows, making scary noises, and so on; Shoot It in the Eye: +2 to your Shoot rolls when creating an advantage on a drone or robot that represents the loss of one of its senses, such as video, audio, or motion detection; Small-Unit Tactics: You’re experienced at using cover formations, covering fire, and room-clearing tactics with a squad. When you successfully create a situation aspect related to teamwork (Two By Two Cover Formation), it gets two free invokes rather than one. If you succeed with style, you also gain a boost.
Baby 3 0 Human Lightning Bolt