Silent Titans: Jack ‘Iceberg’ Berrg
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Character Name: Jack ‘Iceberg’ Berrg
Hp: 1
Strength: 12
Dexterity: 12
Will: 13
Physical Description: Describe what you look like.
- 65 years old
Quirks and Character Traits: Describe your manner, personality, tics.
- Experienced Pugilist. Fist attacks do d6 damage.
Encumbrance: 4/12 (Max enc equals your current Str)
Coinage: 0 p, 0 s, 0 g
Equipment: List all of the stuff you’re carrying and any special qualities that stuff might have.
- Navy Colt Revolver (d6 damage)
- Ammo Ud6
- Leaded Walking Stick (d6 damage)
Oddities and Arcanum: List any weird items and what they do that you’ve found and carry here. These count against your encumbrance score.
- Gamma Ray - Fires a green beam (d12). If the target would lose STR, they gain that much STR instead, grow 50% in size, and their physical attacks are Enhanced. If their STR would exceed 21 they explode in green smoke. Any effects wear off when combat dies down. Has 3 charges.
Imprints: List any changes to your character that they’ve experienced through adventuring.
- Can ‘read’ Hp of things.