Crees of Iron
Crees was a warrior in a long line of warriors with the infusion of elemental powers of earth gained by inclusion of a Masoja Dufirosim of Strength.
The House of Iron is a warrior house descended from Grasal Arak, a mighty warrior in the Gustevdem Shadows. Grasal Arak, unknown to the world of his fame, was a Masoja Dufirosim of Strength. He fathered 5 children, only one of whom manifested as a Elemental of Earth. The others became great warriors and established four family lines of warriors that became perennials in the Lords of the game. Soon after the birth of Grabal, Grasal Arak left the realm never to return.
Grabal Freeet Arak Was the elemental child of Grasal Arak. His Path started as an Elemental of Earth, then a Spirit of Combat, Spirit of Defense, Avasa Dufirosim of Conflict, Masoja Dufirosm of Combat. He has a great antipathy with the Masoja Dufiro of Warfare and has been a guiding voice to the Four families ever since.
The history of the House of Iron is long, convoluted, and mixed in with the combat and entertainment and warfare on gustevedem and its sway.
Crees of Iron
Crees of Iron was born into a storied family of warriors. Raised in the St