The Gang's All Here: The Neo

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Page One


Adventurers’ lust for gold makes them all thieves, which makes the prejudice against rogues a little odd. They all do it. But everyone knows why people are suspicious about Neo…

The Neo’s magical technology needs to be activated by Fair Gold every day. It disappears every dawn. If they can’t find enough then all their gifts means nothing. They chase it. Some practically, some obsessively, most selfishly.

Adventurers all want gold but only Neo need it.




  • A Dagger (or any pointy thing that stabs)
  • Another Close Weapon (short sword, second dagger, something else)
  • A Ranged Weapon (shortbow, crossbow, pistol, something else)
  • Leather Armor (Defense 1)


(delete all but one)

  • Black Leather, studs and chrome
  • White Leather, bleach and catsuits
  • Billowing Black Cloak and sinister scarlet eyes
  • Something Else (you pick)

Defensive Stats

  • GUARD (=Dex):
  • HEALTH (=Con):
  • DEFENSE: 1
  • WILLPOWER (=Wis x 2):

Page Two

Gifts of the Fair

You always have an AI system and ability to access the Fair Field.

In addition, select three cybernetic gifts. Each is a tool which, as with other stated abilities, allows you to do anything that the gift would logically let you do.

However, each must be activated with Fair Gold before it can be used.

  • Gun Active( )

(Replaces Ranged Weapon from Equipment. As in, can be fired as a normal gun before being activated.)

You are in possession of an arcane gun, gifted to you from the Fair.

Define its appearance: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Choose one of the below. When activated, you gain this special ability on its attacks.

Explosive (Special: apply individual hit — not whole attack — to another target in the vicinity.)

Homing (Special: this individual hit — not the whole attack — bypasses Guard.)

AI-Aided Targeting (Never has any disadvantages on a hit roll.)

  • Energy Blade Active( )

(Replaces close combat weapon from Equipment. As in, can be used as a normal blade before being activated.)

You have a searing energy blade, Luke Skywalker. You may use Dexterity for its dice pool instead of Strength.

Define its appearance: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Choose one of the below. When activated, you gain this special ability on its attacks.

Intangible (Special: this individual hit — not the whole attack — bypasses Guard.)

Searing: (Special: if hit wounds, ignites target causing 1 wound per round until extinguished.)

Neurosleep: (Special: target is hit by a sedative. If number of times they are hit by a sedative ever equals their constitution, they fall into a natural sleep.)

  • Stealth Field Active( )

You can become virtually invisible at will. You will not be noticed unless someone is actively searching for you, and possibly not even then. You’re basically the Predator.

When activated:

It’s hard to hit someone you can’t see. Gain +1 defence.

  • Teleporter Active( )

You can make short scale teleport jumps – 1-5m. These can be chained. Yes, you’re Nightcrawler from the X-Men.

When activated:

It’s hard to hit a teleporter. Add one disadvantage to any attempt to hit you.

  • Pet Active( )

You have an awesome cybernetic pet.

Choose what animal it is: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Choose what its personality is like: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

When activated: Gain advantage on any task the animal could feasibly help with. It is also autonomous, capable of following instructions. Its defence value is the same as yours. If it suffers a wound it dematerialises, and reappears beside you. The wounds are transferred to the Neo.

Fair Gold

Each of your three cybernetic gifts start the game deactivated, unable to use their special abilities. A single piece of Fair Gold is required to activate each one for the rest of the day. You’ll find a slot, likely in the back of your neck, where you can insert the coin.

What’s “Fair Gold”? You’ll know it when you see it. Ask your AI if you get stuck.

You have 0 pieces of Fair Gold

Fair Field

As a core part of your enhancements, you’re able to access the magical Fair Field which connects many technological magics in the world of Die. You are able to interact with and subvert it. Imagine being a hacker in a fantasy world. Look for places where you can interact with the arcane technology.

The dice pool is based on your Intelligence. If you succeed against the difficulty, you bypass the problem.

The dice pool has a Special: subvert the system according to your will for one action.

For example, the Neo faces a Fallen – a being which they can interact with via the Fair Field. The GM sets a difficulty of 2 to try and hack it. The Neo rolls three successes, one of which is a 6. The Fallen freezes and, with the 6, the player activates the Special, causing the Fallen to turn on its allies.

Once more, do feel free to ask your AI questions.

The D10

Add the D10 to any dice pool when trying to achieve a task an active Gift would be of use in achieving.

As well as the normal meaning of the number (as in, a 4+ is a success, a 6+ can activate a special) if the result is a 0 (or, if the D10 you’re using has a 10 rather than a 0, a 10), the Gift uses up its charge. It deactivates and will require another Fair Gold to reactivate.


All the Fair Gifts are capable of higher performance if fueled with extra gold. This is called Overcharge. A gift must be activated before it can be overcharged.

Say what you wish your equipment to do. The GM will set a cost in gold to achieve the task. On average, a single gold is enough to change one of the limitations.

For example, using the Teleporter to teleport the whole group a short distance would be one gold. Using the teleporter to transport yourself a long distance would be one gold.

If you wish to proceed with the task, you spend the gold, and take one coin and flip it.

If it’s Heads, it works. If it’s Tails, something goes amiss.