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Craft, Electronics[edit]

This is your aptitude with building electronic equipment from scratch, such as audio and video equipment, timers and listening devices, or radios and communication devices, cybernetics and robotics. See Craft Aptitudes for more details


Ability Intelligence
Action See below
Armor Penalty None
Untrained Yes
Concentration Yes

Description: While cybernetic is basically electronic, it is so specialized that it need a new skill to represent your ability to create and repair cybernetics equipment.

Check: See Cybernetics Equipment section.

Action: The time spent on this skill depends on the object you want to create.


Ability Intelligence
Action See below
Armor Penalty None
Untrained Yes
Concentration Yes

Description: This skill allows you to build electronic equipment from scratch, such as audio and video equipment, timers and listening devices, or radios and communication devices. When building an electronic device from scratch, you describe the kind of device you wants to construct; then the Gamemaster decides whether the device is simple, moderate, complex, or advanced com­pared to current technology.

Check: Type of Scratch-Built Electronics (Examples)

Compexity Purchase level Craft DC Time
Simple (timer or detonator) 8 15 1 hr.
Moderate (radio direction finder, electronic lock) 12 20 12 hr.
Complex (cell phone) 16 25 24 hr.
Advanced (computer) 22 30 60 hr.

Action: The time spent on this skill depends on the object you want to create.


Ability Intelligence
Action See below
Armor Penalty None
Untrained Yes
Concentration Yes

Description: While Mecha is basically electronic, it is so specialized that it need a new skill to represent your ability to create and repair Mecha.


Task DC
Repair Hit Points 15
Repair Core 20
Treat Injury 10

Repair Injury: You can also remove one severity of injury to a Mecha with a check DC 10.

Action: When crafting Mecha, see Mecha Equipment section. Repairing a Mecha take one hour. Repairing an injury is a standard action.


Ability Intelligence
Action See below
Armor Penalty None
Untrained Yes
Concentration Yes

Description: While robotics is basically electronic, it is so specialized that it need a new skill to represent your ability to create and repair robots.


Task DC
Repair Hit Points 15
Repair Constitution 20
Treat Injury 10
Reset to Default 20

Repair Injury: You can also remove one severity of injury to a robot with a check DC 10.

Resetting robots: You can reset a robot to restore it to manufacturer default. To do so, you must reset the hardware with a robotic DC 20 check. But you must also reset the robot software with a Software check DC 20.

Action: When crafting robots, see Robotics Equipment section. Repairing a robot take one hour. Repairing an injury is a standard action. Resetting a robot take 1 hour for your Robotic check and 1 hour for your Software check.