Raiders of the Rim

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Scenario Overview

A motley party of adventurers in the Bajic Sector on the Outer Rim are drawn into the brewing confrontation between the Empire and the nascent Rebel Alliance, as crime syndicates and corporate dynasties jockey for advantage.

Helpful Resources

Mechanical Game Information

Player Character Race Core Concept Fate Points Notes
llayne William "Liam" Johnson Bimm 90 18
doombuggy23339 Archibald "Wink" Winkworth Sluissi 60 12
Timon Gertrude Bradley Droid 45 9

Important Places

Please note: While we're using real place names, the game takes place in an ahistorical past. Any resemblance is coincidental and/or for convenience.

Jibal System

  • Number of main worlds = 2
  • Primary businesses: Trade, salvage

Jibal 2

System capital, advanced cloud-city culture inhabiting air-filled bubbles floating in thick corrosive atmosphere.

Jibal 4

Gas giant with vast ring of spaceship debris and derelicts dating back to Mandalorian Wars.

Important People

  • Kam Limmer, heir to the Third Board Seat of the House of Ororo Transportation, rich feckless playboy

Investigative Leads