Brahnamin's Characters - Alice
Alice :: Ship's Cutter
"Bullet in the brainpan . . . squish . . ."
Trained Skills
Untrained Skills
| Craft | Drive | Fix | Fly | Focus | Influence | Labor | Perform | Shoot | Survive | Throw |
Back Alley Cutter: You were a promising medical student once upon a once. Now you stitch up thugs that can't show their face to a legit doc.
- Street Surgery: When you treat someone with injuries that would make a normal hospital ask inconvenient questions, spend 1 PP to step up or double Treat for the roll.
- Natural Healer: Spend 1 PP to step back another character’s medical or injury based Complication.
[Highlighted Skills: Know/Operate/Treat]
Harmless Looking: You blend into a crowd like a rock blends into a quarry.
- Couldn’t Hurt A Fly: Step back your Physical die to step up your Social die when convincing someone you’re not a threat.
[Highlighted Skills: Move/Sneak/Trick]
Mysterious Past: You weren't born to the life you're living now."
- Cortex Specter: Whenever anyone uses an information-based Asset against you, spend 1 PP to turn it into a No Data Found Complication of the same die rating
- Ghosts of Yesterday: Create a Complication relating to your history to step up your Fight, Know, or Sneak for a scene. This Complication cannot be stepped back by spending PPs to activate Opportunities.
[Highlighted Skills: Fight/Know/Sneak]
Signature Assets
Han Tong Fighting Knives These matched tanto style daggers bear the crest of the Han Dynasty on tsuba (hilt), tsuka (handle) and menuki (pommel). Only an actual member of the Han family should bear the engraved seal.
Smart Ring Ostensibly a simple piece of jewelry, this softly glowing earring is actually a miniaturized cortex conduit, capable of connecting with any wireless cortex enabled system it is near and acting as its own voice command micro-terminal.