Lucky Fang
=Name Lucky Fang :: Role= Ex-Red Pole Gunslinger

|| Physical || Mental
|| Social
Trained Skills 

Untrained Skills 
| Craft | Drive
| Fix
| Fly
| Labor
| Operate
| Sneak
| Throw
| Treat
| Trick
Bolded Triggers are active.
Wudang Style - Also known as Practical Tai Chi. Being able to be dangerous without a weapon in your hand is pretty dang practical.
- Step Back - Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- Fighting Spirit - Step up a Complication created to avoid being Taken Out in a fight to reroll your dice.
- Trigger - Description
Dancer - Anyone can shuffle their feet to a beat. A true dancer exists as beauty through motion.
- Step Back - Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- Grand Jete - When you take cover or move quickly to avoid being hurt, step up or double Move for the Action. If you lose the roll, step back Move for the scene.
- Trigger - Description
Dead Eye - You’re cool under fire and a keen shot.
- Step Back - Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- Take Aim - Step back Move until the end of the scene to create an In My Crosshairs d8 Asset.
- Trigger - Description
Signature Assets 

Custom NORINCO M-13 Semi-Automatic Description
Ceramic Tac Knife D6 Description
Describe your character here File:Anna Fang.jpg