Lucky Fang
=Name Lucky Fang :: Role= Ex-Red Pole Gunslinger

|| Physical || Mental
|| Social
Trained Skills 

Untrained Skills 
| Craft | Drive
| Fix
| Fly
| Labor
| Operate
| Sneak
| Throw
| Treat
| Trick
Bolded Triggers are active.
Wudang Style - Also known as Practical Tai Chi. Being able to be dangerous without a weapon in your hand is pretty dang practical.
- Step Back - Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- Fighting Spirit - Step up a Complication created to avoid being Taken Out in a fight to reroll your dice.
- Trigger - Description
Dancer - Anyone can shuffle their feet to a beat. A true dancer exists as beauty through motion.
- Step Back - Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- Grand Jete - When you take cover or move quickly to avoid being hurt, step up or double Move for the Action. If you lose the roll, step back Move for the scene.
- Trigger - Description
Dead Eye - You’re cool under fire and a keen shot.
- Step Back - Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- Take Aim - Step back Move until the end of the scene to create an In My Crosshairs d8 Asset.
- Trigger - Description
Signature Assets 

Custom NORINCO M-13 Semi-Automatic D8 Brushed steel, bronzed. Heavier than it looks. Perfectly balanced

Ceramic Tac Knife D6 Black with acid-etched dragon motif. Rubberized grip, glass-breaker at the pommel
Triad Tattoos D6 Dragons, Phoenix, portrait of Guan Yu
Armored Coat D6 Red, woven carbon mesh.
- History
Lucky Feng grew up on New Kowloon-- a space station built in a hollowed-out asteroid in a slowly decaying orbit around the star Xuan Wu. They've been a part of the Sun Yee On Triad since they were thirteen years old. Lucky forged a name for themself as a vicious, efficient fighter. They were initiated as a Red Pole (enforcer) by age seventeen. They lived by the Thirty-Six Oaths all members of the syndicate must follow. A few years ago, it became clear to Lucky that their big brothers and uncles were not as dedicated to fraternal support. Terrified of what might happen if their multitude of sins caught up with them and nobody had their back, Lucky arranged to leave Sun Yee On. They've been on the run ever since.
- Description
Height: 170 cm Weight: 54 kg
Lucky Fang is a killer with the body of a dancer. They're fairly small, and of indeterminate gender.