Bludstein NPCs

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The following is a list of some of the more influential NPCs in Bludstein.

In the court of Lady Alberta at Bludstein Keep:

Lady Alberta Isenberg, Baroness of Bludstein: the eldest daughter of a house that has suffered much misfortune in recent years, the Lady Alberta hopes to turn her family's fortunes around by staking a claim the the ancient Bludstein Keep and the surrounding lands. Lady Alberta relies on a core group of loyal advisers, including her consort Tankred, but it is well-known that she is a daunting force of her own, having overseen her family's businesses in Traft for many years.

Lodevik Isenberg, younger brother of Lady Alberta and mercenary captain: Lodevik made his fortune in the Greyhawk Wars, where it is rumoured that his mercenary company, the Iron Mountain Raiders, fought for employers on both side of the conflict. He has brought a score of his veterans with him to Bludstein, along with twice as many young sellswords eagre to make their fortune fighting for House Isenberg.

Tankred: the consort of Lady Alberta and father of her children. Coming from a minor family, Tankred earned fame as a bard and is rumoured to have advertured in distant lands during his youth. Now he dabbles in his wife's businesses and various recreational pursuits. He is popular with the commoners of Bludstein, but most of the rest of his wife's household are dismissive of him and his value to the expedition.

Sarula Celannil: High elf scholar, sorceress, and close advisor to Lady Alberta. Sarula has devoted much of her adult life in study of human history, and is fascinated at the rapid changes in human society. She has come as a friend of Lady Alberta, but is also curious about some tales of this region that were passed down from her grandmother.

Armgart Sargeant at arms of the household troops of Lady Alberta. He is a veteran pikeman who served in the Auszug (standing army) of Perrenland for many years before taking employment with House Isenberg. He commands a force of about 20 men-at-arms and the citizen militia that all of the free men and women in Bludstein must serve in. He is also technically in command of the mercenaries, but in reality they listen only to Lodevik.

Mother Bertina, Priestess of Allitur The Old Kirk has appointed Mother Bertina as their representative in establishng a temple to the patheon in Bludstein, and looking after the spiritual wellbeing of Lady Alberta. Her cold manner has made her an outsider in the court, but the temple is the spiritual center of the community and especially those who hold tightly to their faith.

In the settlement being built on the land between Bludstein Keep and the Blutwasser River.

Sir Degenhard An elderly paladin of Sir Cuthbert who still carries an iron-shod greatclub as he carries about his daily duties, Sir Degenhard now oversees the daily temple services and runs a school for the youth of the settlement.

Hanner Dyn Leader of the halfling riverfolk who ply the waters of the Blutwasser River. He has set up operations in a small building by the docks that also serves as a barracks for the halflings who work on the barges. All of the supplies for Bludstein must be delivered via the river due to the ruggedness of the surrounding terrain, making the halflings indispensible to the future wellbeing of the settlement.

Pekka Silvertongue Dwarven merchant who runs the general store in the Bludstein settlement. Drawn here by rumours of the strange blood red and black rock that the lower levels of the castle are constructed from, she is happy to stay and make a profit off of supplying the new settlement.

Leano Once a successful adventurer, he has now retired to a life of smithing, but still serves as a sargeant for the militia when not too busy at his forge. His warm personality and tall stories of adventure make him incredibly popular amongst both the free men and women, and the serfs of the settlement.

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Other NPCs: Just because an NPC isn't on the list above should not be taken as an indication that they are not powerful. Many of the NPCs listed above have followers who are quite experienced in their own right, and potentially dangerous to anyone who wrong them in some way.