Firefly: Leaf On The Wind - Companion

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Ada Vell :: Registered Companion[edit]

Attributes d6[edit]

|| Physical d6 || Mental d8 || Social d10 ||

Trained Skills d6[edit]

Craft d6

Influence d12

  • Seduce d6
  • Persuade d6

Know d12

  • Culture d6
  • Etiquette d6

Notice d8

  • Searching d6
  • Empathy d6

Perform d8

Sneak d6

Shoot d6

Treat d6

Untrained Skills d4[edit]

| Drive d4 | Fight d4 |Fix d4 | Fly d4 |Focus d4 | Labor d4 | Move d4 | Operate d4 | Survive d4 | Throw d4 | Trick d4 |

Distinctions/Triggers d8[edit]

Registered Companion - You have an active license in the Companion Registry, which opens doors and brings you business.

  • Step Back - Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
  • I Know Your Ways - Spend 1 Plot Point to step up or double Influence when you are attempting to follow proper etiquette or put someone at ease.

[Highlighted Skills: Know/Influence/Perform]

Caring - You’ve a courage and tenacity in carin’ for others that most folk don’t. You’re the light in their darkness.

  • Step Back - Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
  • Heal the Wounded Heart - Spend 1 Plot Point to step back another character's emotional or relationship-based Complication.

[Highlighted Skills: Notice/Influence/Treat]

Trained Singer - Your voice is one of the sweetest things in the 'Verse.

  • Step Back - Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP

[Highlighted Skills: Craft/Notice/Perform]

Signature Assets d6[edit]



Birthplace: Londinium Allegiance: Unaligned
Height: 173 centimeters (5' 8") | Weight: 72 kilos (160 lbs) | Age: 29 standard years

Born to an affluent family, the youngest of three children, Ada was raised in comfort and love. She showed intellectual and social aptitude from a young age, and was sent to train as a companion aged 12. She became a licensed companion aged 19. By then, the war was raging, but being in the capital provided some shielding from its horrors. It was during this time that she achieved popularity with the social elite who were rich enough to avoid going to war, particularly Maxius Larimere, the son of the prominent politician, Isiah Larimere, who grew very attached to her. This attachment was what eventually led her to flee her home planet though, when he grew violently possessive, kidnapped her, and threatened to use his father's influence to ruin her reputation. He was blacklisted by the Guild for doing so, but she was too traumatised to take up new work for over a year after her ordeal. Living in hiding with her mentor and close friend, Sylva Proux, she slowly recovered her confidence. Eventually, she felt able to return to her work as a Companion, though not before taking up some training in self-defense. She did not intend to repeat her previous error of judgement. She has weathered her self-imposed exile relatively well, with her mentor and friends helping her to build a new life.


Ada has a slender frame and moves gracefully. Her face is intelligent and her whole being is dedicated to the sensual. She has long, mahogany-coloured hair and keen hazel eyes. She takes care to always dress well, enjoying luxurious fabrics and fine jewellery, much of her wardrobe consisting of lavish gifts from past clients.

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