To Build A Nation:Main Page
Scene Mechanics
- The Medusa Has Your Number 1d4 (Ushnar)
- No Clear Pecking Order 1d8 (Black Tongue)
- Ushnar Answered All Your Questions 1d8 (Black Tongue)
- Everyone's Distracted 1d8 (everyone)
Plot Points
Player | Plot Points | Heroes of Droaam Dice |
Orophea | 3 | |
Black Tongue | 3 | |
GM | 2 |
- Human man
- 5d8 Wolves
List of skills:
- Craft: Crafting things, includes building, assembling, or creating stuff.
- Drive: Steeds and wagons/carriages. Requires specialization for flight or sailing.
- Fight: All kinds of close-combat, including weapons or fists.
- Fix: Repairing things.
- Focus: Concentrating on something, to study or steel your will or whatever.
- Influence: Making others do, think, act, or feel the way you want them to.
- Know: General knowledge and recall. Use specialties to cover specific areas: Business, Navigation, Religion, Animals, Fine Arts.
- Labor: Carrying out tasks of manual labor, lifting, pushing, digging, pulling, hauling.
- Move: Running, jumping, climbing trees.
- Notice: Spotting, sensing, or hearing things.
- Operate: Using gadgets and devices. Requires specialization or an appropriate Distinction.
- Perform: Acting, putting on a show.
- Shoot: Things that you point and shoot.
- Sneak: Sneaking around. Sneakily.
- Survive: Surviving in the outdoors or wherever.
- Throw: Throwing things.
- Treat: Taking care of people. Heal, treatment of injury, but also counseling.
- Trick: Deceiving or conning somebody, sleight of hand, using spin.
Drive and Operate are special cases. Every PC is competent at riding a steed or driving a wagon/carriage. Sailing or Flying require specialization, though. You'll have d4 in them if you attempt to sail or fly without a background in it. For Operate: in Eberron, items which would need to be operated are specialized items, therefore people who "operate" things would be specialists.
- d4: Untrained. You have no idea what you’re doing, and you’re likely to create trouble when you try it, but who knows.
- d6: Competent. Sufficient training to get by. You’re comfortable doing this.
- d8: Expert. Able to do this for a living. This is second nature to you.
- d10: Master. One of the best in the field. Likely known to others who possess the skill.
- d12: Grandmaster. One of the best in the world. Known even to those outside the field.
By default, PCs in this game are competent at all things, and expert in a few, which expertise partially defines them.
Hero Dice as Effect Dice
With this mod, hero dice may also be spent to substitute for low effect dice from dice rolls. Used this way, the player spends a plot point and uses the hero die as the effect die instead of one of the dice from the roll. If this application of hero dice is used in a game, the heroic success does not also step up this new effect die. That only applies to effect dice sourced from the die roll itself.
For example, after winning a contest with a GMC, your player character might only have a d4 left in the dice pool to use as the effect die. If you had a hero die banked, such as a d8, you could spend a plot point to switch out the d4 with the d8.
Multiple effect dice may be created in this fashion for a single outcome by spending more PP.
A resource is a category of traits that supplements a character’s prime sets in the same manner as signature assets or specialties do. There are four types of resource: extras, locations, organizations, and props. Resources are represented usually by two or more dice of the same size, which may be used to aid a test or contest where that resource is helpful or significant. Players may choose how many resource dice to roll; any that are used are considered spent and recover later during downtime. Thus, if a character has 3d6 in a resource and uses 2d6 to aid in a test or contest, those two dice are spent, and one remains.
Resource dice are not rolled in the dice pool that they are aiding in the test or contest. They are committed before the test or contest dice pool is rolled but rolled separately; if more than one resource die is spent to aid a test or contest, only the highest rolling die is applied. This result is added to the total. Resource dice rolled in this way are spent and recover during the next bridge scene, exploration scene, or at the end of the session.
Every resource has a name, a die rating (in multiples of d6, but sometimes larger dice), and (optionally) some kind of tag or label to indicate what kind of field or quality that resource belongs to, such as Politics, Crime, Academics, or Military. If you’re using tags, each listed resource should have two of them, and they should inform you of the kind of test or contest that the resource might apply to. A GM is also free to invoke GMC resources by spending plot points to add to an opposition dice pool.
- cheat sheet for SFX
- moons of Eberron
- design comment from Angille: as for the impact of the spell, the rating of the effect matters imo.
- a d6 for a simple suggestion, d10 for a command, d12+ for full-on mind-control.
- a d6 for an icy bolt, d10 for a minor blizzardy effect, d12+ to encase in a block of ice.
- a d6 to pick up someone's trail, d10 to see and hear them, d12+ for a peek into their past and future.