Raiders of the Rim:Keydon

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Revision as of 22:13, 28 April 2020 by RogerCoC (talk | contribs) (Created Keydon, Ortolan Chef Extraordinaire)
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Name: Keydon
Refresh: 3
High Concept: Ortolan Chef Extraordinaire
Trouble: There's so much left to taste.
Aspect: Droids make terrible chefs.
Aspect: Unusual tastes
Aspect: The Hutts would like a word with me.
Player: Roger

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Keydon is an Ortolan chef -- an extraordinary one!


+4 Engineering

+3 Resources, Contacts

+2 Knowledge, Notice, Fight

+1 Medic, Will, Athletics, Physique


That's Plainly Inedible

+2 to Engineering involving crafting food, chemistry, biology, etc; -2 to Engineering involving starships, droids, other inedible subjects.

Ortolan Senses

+2 to Notice checks involving smell or taste.

Good with knives

+2 to Fight when armed with cooking knives, cleavers, etc.


He's blue bah bah dee bah bah doo.

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