Firefly: Can't Take the Sky - Character 6

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Jim Williams :: Muscle

Character Quote

*approving grunt*

Attributes d6

|| Physical d10 || Mental d6 || Social d8 ||

Trained Skills d6

Craft d6

Fight d12

Labor d12

Move d10

Notice d8

Survive d6

Untrained Skills d4

| Skill d4 | Skill d4 | Skill d4 |

Distinctions/Triggers d8

Bolded Triggers are active.

Scrapper - You've been in more tussles than you can count. Won most of 'em, too.

☑ Step Back: Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
☑ Sucker Punch: Double Fight for the first round of an Action Order. Take or step up a social Complication after the roll.
☐ Victorious: When you Take Out a Major GMC, spend 1 PP to step back a physical Complication twice.

Hired Muscle - You look tough, but looks aren't everything.

☑ Step Back: Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
☑ Blunt Instrument: When you fight dirty or use brute force to solve a problem, step up your Labor or Fight until the end of the current scene. Step back Social until the end of the next scene.
☐ Looming Shadow: When you rely on your imposing size to intimidate someone, use Physical instead of Social. Both 1s and 2s count as jinxes on the roll.

Mighty Hideous - You weren’t pretty to start, but then you got yourself deformed somethin’ fierce. Now folks try not to even look at you.

☑ Step Back: Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
☐ Look At Me!: When you get in someone’s face, spend 1 PP to double Influence for the roll.
☐ You Call That Pain?: When you activate an Opportunity to step back a physical Complication, step up Fight or Survive for the rest of the scene

Signature Assets d6

Ten Years In The Factory d8 Jim spent a long time on the job, and he understands workplace procedures, not to mention what it's like to wear a blue collar.

I Am The Brute Squad d6 He's big and tough. It bears repeating.

Dumb As A Post, Not Deaf d8 People don't watch what they say around Jim, assuming he's as thick as two boards nailed together. He's learned to take advantage of that.


For a long, long time, people were glad that Jim Williams went to the factory. Good honest work, not that Mister Wick's boys didn't get respect. He was none too bright, but when a fellow can pull the drive chain back onto the axle, and hold it there for the whole shift while the mechanics straighten everything out, well, there are worse things. Yes sir, Jim was a valued member of the crew. "Your own little branch of the Blue Suns family!" the suits said.

Then there was the accident. Most of the workers thought it came from corporate - bigger quotas, but the same allowances for replacement parts and . . . personal stuff. "War's on, everyone will be tightening belts." One of the big motors in the basement just burst when Jim was down there, and he got hurt pretty bad. Company doctors told us he was lucky to be alive, with those gashes everywhere from shrapnel.

When he came back to us, well. Looked like he got smacked in the face by a cattle grid, and brands everywhere else. Hurt his throat, too, so's he could barely grunt. They couldn't fire him, not after someone got the internal report leaked ("cause remains inconclusive"), and there'd've been half a mutiny on site, but good old Jim got pushed out anyhow. Heard tell a couple days ago some freighter captain offered him a job, looking all big and scary. Well, he can take care of himself in a fight, but will that crew make sure no one takes advantage of him?

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